10 Verbs to Use for the Word payers

We at first tried to take them, but après we abandoned the project so hopeless and travelled sans payer.

Every question put down costs the tax-payer, it is calculated, a guinea.

The system of sweeping changes on the election of a new president tends materially to stop any increase of householders, the uncertain tenure of office making the employés prefer clustering in hotels and boarding-houses to entering on a short career of housekeeping, which will, of course, militate against any steady increase of the city, and thus diminish the tax-payers.

The magistrates, especially quaestors and aediles, had staffs of clerks who must have been skilled accountants; the provincial governors and all who were engaged in collecting the tributes of the provinces, as well as in lending the money to enable the tax-payers to pay (see above, 71 foll.), were constantly busy with their ledgers.

Sans Autonine Mourrouzin, consul de Venise, il m'eut fallu payer; mais je restai en prison, et pendant ce temps la caravane partit.

The sale of liquor to women is in one State specially forbidden, Louisiana follows the Texas law giving women tax-payers a vote on appropriations for permanent improvements.

PRIS SUR LE VIF Un jeune homme avait fait faire sa photographie; le photographe attendait depuis longtemps qu'on vînt la lui payer.

If I'd promised to go into all sorts of wilderness improvement for the sole and only purpose of putting these 'tax-payers' on the corporation at the expense of real laboring-men, I'd win in a canter.

They'll represent the tax-payers when they get that.

There is a mass of legislation every year directed to the assessing and collecting of taxes, tending more and more to become inquisitorial, requiring the tax payer under oath to furnish full schedules of his property, with provision for an arbitrary assessment if he fails to do so.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  payers