Which preposition to use with chimes

in Occurrences 115%

" "What the Administration lacks," chimed in BLAIR, "is backbone.

of Occurrences 93%

As the steamer neared the Hotel, on our return, the departing sun was flinging back his last good-night smile on the lovely scene below, and the musical chime of the little church at Caldwell came stealing sweetly over the bosom of the placid Lake.

with Occurrences 14%

In writing Don Juan, Byron attempted something that had never been done before, and his genius so chimed with his enterprise that it need never be done again.

at Occurrences 9%

Poets, we know, often "heard the chimes at midnight" in Elia's day, and the plea has certainly a most Lamb-like ring.

OF Occurrences 8%

Co. (PWH) CHIMES OF THE HOLY NIGHT, Christmas cantata.

on Occurrences 7%

I caught no sound of chimes on the present occasion, yet I am sensible that my hearing is not what it was.

from Occurrences 7%

Come not from the unseen Past, Flying up the silent gale, With that deep and muffled wail, Slaying me with lying tale, Base chime, false chime from the Past! Not in sighs of mortal pain, Pain and anguish rise again, Voices from the far Death-plain Not thus speaks she from the Past.

to Occurrences 5%

Dennis, the fiercest oppugner of puns in ancient or modern times, professes himself highly tickled with the "a stick" chiming to "ecclesiastic."

for Occurrences 5%

My scattered and once-loved schoolmates, their characters and their various fortunes, passed in rapid review before me; my schoolmaster, his wife, and all the gentry, and heads of families, whose orderly attendance at divine service on Sundays, while those well-remembered bells were "chiming for church," (but now gone and mouldering in the adjoining graves,) were again presented to my perceptions!

until Occurrences 1%

" Old familiar hymns"All Hail the Power of Jesus's Name," and others suchwere chimed until the hour for the dedication service had come.

by Occurrences 1%

But, Landis, if one of us should inadvertentlyor through nervousnessbeat the clock's chime by the split part of a second, the good people of The Corner will fill that one of us promptly full of lead.

along Occurrences 1%

The low wind shook the darkened pane, The far clock chimed along the hall, There came a moment's gust of rain, The swallow chirped a single call From his eaves'-nest, the elm-bough swayed Moaning;they slumbered unafraid.

into Occurrences 1%

It chimed into the lurid sky without a tremor.

out Occurrences 1%

and the rapture of the scene was sounding in every syllable like chimes out of the distance.

through Occurrences 1%

Who was Capua, anyhow?" Sylvia broke into a peal of laughter which rang like a silver chime through the vine-shaded, airy spaces of the pergola.

Which preposition to use with  chimes