Which preposition to use with collects

in Occurrences 446%

At no great distance from this hollow square, (which was used exclusively for buying and selling,) might be seen an infinite variety of persons, collected in groupes, all engaged in some occupation or amusement, according to their several tastes and humours.

from Occurrences 268%

Indeed a fund of antiquarian information relative to the middle ages has been collected from this source.

for Occurrences 136%

It is only since the original meaning of the collect has been forgotten that it has become itself a long petition with various references and clauses (compare the collects for the Sundays after Pentecost with those of modern feasts)(Cath.

at Occurrences 116%

It is with feeling of intense satisfaction and self complacency, that Mr. PUNCHINELLO submits to his readers the following despatches relative to the Great Railroad War, which have been collected at a fabulous cost, by a large corps of reporters and correspondents specially detailed for the purpose.

on Occurrences 102%

Of such a morning I have seen a small flock of them collected on the sunny side of a thick hemlock, rather silent and quiet, with ruffled plumage, like balls of gray fur, waiting, with an occasional chirp, for the sun's rays to begin to warm them up, and meanwhile not depressed, but only a little sobered in their deportment, and ready, if the cold continued, to get used to that too.

into Occurrences 75%

Even the date of the introduction of collects into the Divine Office is doubtful.

with Occurrences 36%

These verses, which have not before been collected with Lamb's writings, exist in an album which belonged probably to Thomas Westwood, son of the Lambs' providers at Enfield.

under Occurrences 32%

Mr. Braddock, with his two veteran regiments from Britain, and their allies of Virginia and Pennsylvania, was more than a match for any troops that could be collected under the white flag.

around Occurrences 30%

" It was a solid phalanx of men which had collected around the moveless bodies as swiftly as mercury sinks through water.

about Occurrences 22%

A large force was collected about Aleppo for a march down the Euphrates valley, and the winter of 1917-18 would have witnessed a stern struggle for supremacy in Mesopotamia if the War Cabinet had not decided to force the Turks to accept battle where they least wanted it.

of Occurrences 20%

In commemorations in the Office, the versicle, response, antiphon and collect of a semi-double is made after the following commemorations (if they should have a place in the recitation of the day).

during Occurrences 17%

He next ordered that the corn which had been collected during the summer, should be brought from the neighbouring people in alliance with him, into his camp, assigning a guard to escort those supplies.

out Occurrences 15%

We privately collected out of our master's store, six great old cheeses, two firkins of butter, and one whole batch of new bread.

within Occurrences 14%

The first supposes that the soul, collected within itself, and not diffused or divided among the organs of the body, has from its own nature and essence, some fore-knowledge of future things; witness, for instance, what is seen in dreams, ecstasies, and on the confines of death.

to Occurrences 13%

His strength faded hour by hour; but he was calm and collected to the last.

round Occurrences 11%

Every window was full; every roof was covered with spectators; almost the whole population of the republic was collected round the place.

before Occurrences 10%

In the mean time the remainder of the party awoke, and were collecting before the refuge.

as Occurrences 9%

Gerard de Narbon, when he died, left her no other portion than some prescriptions of rare and well proved virtue, which by deep study and long experience in medicine, he had collected as sovereign and almost infallible remedies.

by Occurrences 9%

The river Indians were tributary to the Mohawks, and in midwinter, 1643, a large party of the Iroquois came down to collect by force of arms tribute which had not been paid.

after Occurrences 8%

Valuable papers presenting his views of the technique of writing may be found in the volumes called Memories and Portraits (1887) and Essays in the Art of Writing (collected after his death).

near Occurrences 7%

The facts in Mike's case had gone around the field, and, as several of the other games had not yet begun, quite a large crowd had collected near the pavilion to watch.

without Occurrences 4%

In speaking on this subject she said to me: "I am at times much beset with temptations when I consider the number I have thus collected without any visible or certain means of support; but how can I dare to doubt after so many proofs of the care of the great Master?

among Occurrences 4%

Upon Basilio's imprisonment, the simple and grateful relatives had planned to make all kinds of sacrifices to save the young man, but as they could collect among themselves no more than thirty pesos, Sister Bali, as usual, thought of a better plan.

outside Occurrences 4%

When they arrived at the house in which the crime had been committed, they found a small crowd of people ranging from feeble old women to babies in arms, and including a large proportion of boys and girls of school age, collected outside the gates, staring intently through the bars towards the house, which was almost hidden by trees.

through Occurrences 4%

Scores of poor soldiers who were languishing in hospital tents on the sunburnt and treeless prairies of the Dakotas, or suffering from disease contracted in the miasmatic swamps of the rebellious South have had their hearts gladdened and their bodies strengthened by being supplied with the delicacies collected through the efforts of the noble and patriotic ladies of this and kindred organizations throughout the state.

Which preposition to use with  collects