Which preposition to use with dimes

in Occurrences 9%

Wager says that A. made a bet with B. that he could cut a dime in two at one stroke of his pen-knife, C. to hold the stakes.

for Occurrences 6%

Other children can go to the 'movies' after supper, only me-e-e" "Here, honey; Loo's got a dime for you.

to Occurrences 5%

I suspect Mr. DROWSE doesn't see the sellers, (certainly he avoids them when PUNCHINELLO is offered, much to my mortification, and one dime to my cost,) and so is not likely to discern the source of the fun.

on Occurrences 4%

"I found a dime on the couch one afternoon and showed it to my mother.

at Occurrences 2%

Mr. Heatherbloom laid down a dime at the ticket office.

into Occurrences 2%

He then advised me to invest my inheritance in a business, assured me that gallnuts and fruit would yield a good profit and that a partner who understood this particular business could turn dimes into dollars, and said that he himself had at one time done well in that line.

of Occurrences 2%

In the resorts to which habitual tipplers have recourse for consolation of the spirituous kind, a cheap variety is usually on hand to meet exigencies,the exigency of a commercial crisis, for instance, when the last lonely dime of the drinker is painfully extracted from the pocket, to be replaced by seven inconsiderable cents.

towards Occurrences 1%

Now many a little boy and girl of our school-room circle has contributed half a dime towards Josiah's education.

from Occurrences 1%

"An old man named Dr. Polk got a dime from me and said it was for the Old Age Pension.

around Occurrences 1%

"Della stayed off that road for nine days, this time, and all the family have worn the silver dime around their legs ever since.

Which preposition to use with  dimes