Which preposition to use with gulps

of Occurrences 21%

" Dave, whose chest had been heaving, and whose lungs had been taking in great gulps of air, suddenly pushed his second gently away.

in Occurrences 6%

The fishes gulp in water and expel it at the gills.

down Occurrences 3%

they guzzle sweet tea all day long, as the Affghans gulp down their tea, with butter in it, from morning to night.

at Occurrences 2%

The captain begins to get ould; and the missus is oulder than she used to be; and Joel's wife looks a hundred, though she isn't t'irty; and Joel, himself, the spalpeenhe looks" a gulp at the jug stopped the communication.

through Occurrences 1%

" Edwin threw a quivering glance to his mother and gulped through a constricted throat.

as Occurrences 1%

for he had swallowed half the contents at a single gulp as usual; "another dose before you go to bed, and the balance in the morning, first thing when you wake.

with Occurrences 1%

He gulped with genuine emotion, and saw her through a maze of beautiful thoughts that delayed all sense of triumph and even made him forget, for a little while, to wonder what Grizel was thinking of him now.

before Occurrences 1%

As illuminate by lightning Maudelain saw the many factions of his barons squabbling for gross pleasures, like wolves over a corpse, and blindly dealing death to one another to secure at least one more delicious gulp before that inevitable mangling by the teeth of some burlier colleague.

from Occurrences 1%

The wind sometimes came down that way with curious gulps from the terraces of the surrounding moors.

like Occurrences 1%

Skinny gulped like an echo, another "Howdy-do!"

Which preposition to use with  gulps