Which preposition to use with glint

of Occurrences 189%

Here and there in the sea a glint of silver, a patch of purple, or dull red, or a glistening apparition of black showed where the unintended victims of the explosion, the gay-hued open-sea fish of the warm waters, had succumbed to the force of the shock.

in Occurrences 69%

There was a dark body under it, which the waves were tossing about, and as the metal moved with the body, it glinted in the sun.

on Occurrences 26%

Then flying out thirty or forty yards, more or less, according to the character of the bottom, he alights with a dainty glint on the surface, swims about, looks down, finally makes up his mind, and disappears with a sharp stroke of his wings.

with Occurrences 9%

One last glance, as my eyes reached the floor-level of the trap, showed me that the room was untenanted, save by the prostrate form of the visionary, above whom the eyes of the peacock still glinted with something of mockery in their blue depths.

from Occurrences 6%

Did his last remark strike a glint from the other man's eyes?

through Occurrences 5%

Then, as the sun sank lower, the soft rosy hue shone on the castle windows, glinted through the trees of the Château Park, dyed the swift waters of the river, and tipped the snowy crests afar.

like Occurrences 4%

The sun shining on its eyes made them glint like polished jewels or pieces of glass, and when Martin moved nearer and stood still, or when he drew back and went to this side or that, those brilliant glinting eyes were still on his face, and it began to trouble him, until at last he covered his face with his hands.

under Occurrences 3%

Her earliest childhood memory is the quiet weavers' street where the afternoon sun glints under the tamarind trees and, striking the long looms set in the open air, brings out the blue and mauve, the deep crimson and purple and gold of the weaving.

behind Occurrences 2%

Dawson shut his long, wild-looking teeth and gently drew back his dry, beard-discolored lips, while his keen eyes glinted behind his spectacles.

as Occurrences 2%

At peep of day the trumpets blew, and Beltane, starting up from slumber, found the great camp all astir about him; the smoke of a hundred watch-fires rose up into the stilly air of morning and made a fragrant mist amid the trees beneath which armour glinted as guard relieved guard and the new-waked companies mustered under arms.

over Occurrences 1%

They clinked and rattled, the little pellets of red and yellow and green, rolling, glinting over the floor and rapping up against the oak panels at the base of the walls.

for Occurrences 1%

" The reddish light glinted for a moment in the eyes of Morse, but he said nothing.

across Occurrences 1%

The others strung along the trail, glinted across the sunlit patches.

against Occurrences 1%

Lightly, lightly they lodge in the brown grasses and in the tasseled needles of the pines, falling hour after hour, day after day, silently, lovingly,all the winds hushed,glancing and circling hither, thither, glinting against one another, rays interlocking in flakes as large as daisies; and then the dry grasses, and the trees, and the stones are all equally abloom again.

along Occurrences 1%

It looks like it, but no carrot split along its length ever brought to light such rainbows as glint along these.

among Occurrences 1%

I shall see you glinting among the trees like enchantresses of old.

at Occurrences 1%

The brooch of old gold glinted at her throat.

below Occurrences 1%

Then he placed his pipe on the stone step, and rose slowly to his feet, squat and burly, his little eyes glinting below his greasy, unbraided hair, his jaw protruding and ominous.

between Occurrences 1%

The curtains are closed, but a ray glinting between the wall and curtain shows her face convulsed.

above Occurrences 1%

It has a peak behind it, glinting above the tamarack pines, above a breaker of ruddy hills that have a long slope valley-wards and the shoreward steep of waves toward the Sierras.

into Occurrences 1%

There came a definite, hard glint into Livius's eyes; he had a name for being sharper to detect intrigue and its ramifications than even the sharp outline of his face would indicate.

Which preposition to use with  glint