Which preposition to use with ide

of Occurrences 51%

Lisbon, the day before the ides of March.

in Occurrences 2%

One was grousing to his mate, and the other said to him: "If you know a better 'ole go 'ide in it!"

behind Occurrences 1%

Happy as a skylark 'e was, and to see him 'iding behind a barrel with his pistol ready, waiting for the ghost, a'most made me forget the expense of it all.

on Occurrences 1%

The only 'ope I 'ad was that he'd get tired of spying on me and go away before he found out she was 'iding on the wharf.

under Occurrences 1%

'E was considerable surprised to see me, an' started scoldin'; but I left 'im promisin' that 'e'd put a stop to Glasson some'ow, if it had to be on the point o' the jaw; an' we're to nip across and 'ide under the Grand Stand until he comes for us or sends word.

Which preposition to use with  ide