Which preposition to use with roosevelt

to Occurrences 10%

The visit of President Roosevelt to the National Park last spring made these conditions plain to the whole nation.

in Occurrences 4%

A fundamental reason for the protection of game, and so for the establishment of such game refuges, was given by President Roosevelt in a speech made to the Club in the winter of 1903, when he expressed the opinion that it was the duty of the Government to establish these refuges and preserves for the benefit of the poor man, the man in moderate circumstances.

as Occurrences 3%

The last vestige of caste in the public schools of New York was not exterminated until 1900, in the administration of Theodore Roosevelt as Governor of New York.

with Occurrences 3%

The result has been that the Progressive movement, bearing Mr. Roosevelt with it, has degenerated into a disintegrating rather than a constructive energy, which is, I suspect, likely to become a danger to every one interested in the maintenance of order, not to say in the stability of property.

of Occurrences 2%

Governor Roosevelt of New York delivered an address; and the occasion took a memorable place in the annals of Rochester, of which city Douglass had said, "I shall always feel more at home there than anywhere else in this country.

versus Occurrences 2%

Roosevelt versus recovery.

for Occurrences 2%

The Republicans renominated President McKinley, and nominated Theodore Roosevelt for Vice President, on a platform indorsing McKinley's administration and favoring the gold standard of money.

on Occurrences 1%

CHAPTER IV Colonel Theodore B. Roosevelt on the Colored SoldiersColonel Roosevelt's ErrorJacob A. Riis Compliments Negro Soldiers-General Nelson A. Miles Compliments

at Occurrences 1%

" ROOSEVELT, THEODORE A delegation from Kansas visited Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay some years ago, while he was president.

Which preposition to use with  roosevelt