Which preposition to use with transpiring

in Occurrences 48%

What, I wondered, had transpired in the library of that gray old castle which stood out boldly before me, dark and grim, as I plodded on through the rain?

at Occurrences 16%

So the entire journal transpires at length by piece-meal.

on Occurrences 10%

Nothing transpired on the trip to delay or give us any trouble whatever, until the train struck the South Platte river.

during Occurrences 8%

All that transpires during pubescence is symptomatic of the underlying tidal stir in the cells.

from Occurrences 6%

If you do, it will, I presume, be in confidence; that nothing may transpire from your own family to contradict what I have given out.]

of Occurrences 5%

The disappearance of Ariodante, and a rumour which transpired of his having slain himself on account of some hidden anguish, surprised and afflicted the whole court.

through Occurrences 4%

And in truth, if we can believe what has since transpired through the quarrels of accomplices, it appears that in the event of a sudden attack being made by us upon Mazas to deliver them, a fusillade had been resolved upon, and that St. Arnaud had in his pocket the written order, signed "Louis Bonaparte.

around Occurrences 3%

In timehow many thousands of years, I know notI attained to some degree of quietudesufficient to enable me to pay attention to what was transpiring around me.

between Occurrences 3%

It would be interesting to know what transpired between the two men in the library.

before Occurrences 3%

Béville and St. Georges, the two trusty confidants in whose hands lay the secret of the coup d'état, that is to say the head of the President;that secret, which ought at no price to be allowed to transpire before the appointed hour, under risk of causing everything to miscarry, took it into their heads to confide it at once to two hundred men, in order "to test the effect," as the ex-Colonel Béville said later on, rather naïvely.

for Occurrences 2%

and yet she has been more interested in what you have been saying than in anything that has transpired for months.

to Occurrences 2%

By this time the secret had transpired to the neighboring states, and Mentelin, of Strasburg, and Pfister, or Bamberg, were, before the beginning of 1462, in full activity.

within Occurrences 1%

"You seem to forget that I'm the commander of this fortress," said Mr. Walters, "and that I have a right to know everything that transpires within it; but I see you look obstinate, and as I haven't time to settle the matter now, you may pass on.

as Occurrences 1%

On the contrary, she characterizes the months in which these events were transpiring as among the happiest of her life, because she felt that they were in the path of duty.

beyond Occurrences 1%

They vied with one another in offices of humble love to the humbled one; and, let it be recorded as an instance of the pure honor of which young hearts are capable, that these facts, known to forty persons, never, so far as I know, transpired beyond those walls.

outside Occurrences 1%

If you find that events transpiring outside the court are attracting your attention, you cannot be watching the ball.

throughout Occurrences 1%

To illustrate:suppose a patient afflicted with phthisis is sent to the White Mountains, and in company or alone, he reaches that region, and we will assume that he settles down at the "Profile House," or at any portion of the hills on their eastern slope, or immediate vicinity, and the result is almost certain to be unfavorable, since constant showers and violent changes of temperature are transpiring throughout the entire summer.

under Occurrences 1%

The revival that transpired under his labors swept through the entire community, and gave an accession of more than one hundred members, a majority of whom were heads of families.

about Occurrences 1%

These occurrences transpired about the year 1358.

Which preposition to use with  transpiring