5 Verbs to Use for the Word conjuring

How ever Acton and his noble friends had managed to smuggle upstairs, under their jackets, a pork-pie, a plum-cake, a bag of tarts, and a pound of biscuits, was a feat which, as Jack Vance remarked, "beat conjuring.

"Old man, out of what fruits in this bleak country dost thou conjure such a drink?" Victor smiled.

What a wealth of anecdote doth its name conjure up to the student of the past! '

here's no man to detect ye, My people are gone off: come, come, leave conjuring, The Spirit you would raise, is here already, Look boldly on me.

And never wilt thou conjure from the past The dread and bitter field of Waterloo; Thy trembling hands will never pluck again Its roses or its rue.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  conjuring