129 Verbs to Use for the Word fevers

She caught the jungle fever.

In 1849 he got the California fever and made up his mind to cross the great plainswhich were then and for years afterwards called the American Desertto the Pacific coast.

But I had forgotten what old hunters had told me, that the hills will bring out a fever which is dormant in the plains.

Before her task was finished Miss Nightingale had taken the fever herself, but her life was mercifully spared.

After all, I owe you much and know something about curing malarial fever.

He contracted fever, and, after restlessly battling with the disease, said quietly, one April morning in 1824, "Now I shall go to sleep."

On the 15th, another physician, Mr. Milligen, suggested bleeding to allay the fever, but Byron held out against it, quoting Dr. Reid to the effect that "less slaughter is effected by the lance than the lancetthat minute instrument of mighty mischief;" and saying to Bruno, "If my hour is come I shall die, whether I lose my blood or keep it."

I might with wine refresh my spirit worn; I might go forth, and, sauntering try to cool The fever of my heart; but grief holds sullen rule.

Sir John Hall, Inspector-General of Hospitals, referring to this, said, "I protested against it, in the strongest way I could, but without effect; and the consequence was that shortly after the men had spotted fever."

Though it is of the colour of coffee, or rather of dark beer, and so impregnated with gases that it produces fever or cholera when drunk, yet it isat least when it does not mingle with the salt waterso clear, that one might see every marking on a boa- constrictor or alligator, if he glided along the bottom under the canoe.

The other is to drain the marshes, and purify the water, and cleanse the houses, and drive the fever out.

Through every vein I feel again The fever of youth, the soft desire; A rapture that is almost pain Throbs in my heart and fills my brain!

"During two years more I remained with them, and two of them died, but the rest lived, for I had learned how men should live in that country in order to escape the fevers, and I taught them.

Typhus and relapsing fever, both lice-borne diseases, used to claim many victims, but the figures fell very rapidly, due largely, no doubt, to the full use to which disinfecting plants were put in all areas of the occupied territory.

Nobody can be very sick without having a fever, or any other disorder continue long upon anyone without reducing them....

To my startled inquiry, he replied that he had not been able to shake off the fever, which had grown worse instead of better.

Sometimes, however, it precedes the fever; whilst at others it does not appear until the rash is at its height.

" "Said he aught to thee ofof me, Roger?" "Aye, 'twas all of thee and thy wound, and how to ease thy pain I must do this, forsooth, and that, forsooth, and to break the fever must mix and give thee certain cordials, the which I have done.

I sit at her door almost bereft of my senses; but I do not go in, because I am afraid that the sight of me will make her worse and increase the fever.

She lay among the myrtles on the cliff; And sighed for sleep, for sleep that would not hear, But left her tossing still; for night and day A mighty hunger yearned within her heart, Till all her veins ran fever; and her cheek, Her long thin hands, and ivory-channelled feet, Were wasted with the wasting of her soul.

In the morning, he knew the fever that bothered him now and then had returned.

Sarah M'Gowan herself went to the Daltons, where typhus and starvation were doing their worst, to render what service she could, and Mave Sullivan would have done the same but for the entreaties of her parents, who feared the terrible fever.

The next morning, which Rebecca thought was to dawn upon her fortune, found Sedley groaning in agonies, soothing the fever of his previous night's potation with small beerfor soda water was not invented yet.

I was seized with violent fevers and pains in my head, which continued without intermission 'till the 23d following, when I was relieved, by the General's [Braddock] absolutely ordering the physicians to give me Dr. James' powders (one of the most excellent medicines in the world), for it gave me immediate ease, and removed my fevers and other complaints in four days' time.

I laughed at these verbal eccentricities, but they were not without their effect, and that effect was a demoralising one; for in me they aggravated the fever of the unknown, and whetted my appetite for the strange, abnormal and unhealthy in art.

129 Verbs to Use for the Word  fevers