38 Verbs to Use for the Word liveries

Next morning, Dolabella, Cicero's son-in-law, whom Cæsar had promised should be his successor in the consulship, assumed the consular fasces and joined the liberators; while Cinna, son of the old Marian leader and therefore brother-in-law to Cæsar, threw aside his praetorian robes, declaring he would no longer wear the tyrant's livery.

Bethink you, good Sir William, I reckon thereabout myself; so by that account There's full three winters yet he must attend Under our awe, before he sue his livery: Is it not so? WIL.

I belonged to a man who keeps a livery stable here in Fairport, and he used to hire me out to shooting parties.

The trees would have assumed the dust- covered livery of summer.

For the sake of San Teodoro, and that of a constant and silly young man, who, if not thy slave, is at least thy dog, bring forth the jacket I wore when we went together to see the merry-making at Fusina." "I know nothing of thy errand, Gino, nor of thy reason for wishing to change thy master's livery for the dress of a common boatman.

And when Aspasia wept, not any eye But seem'd to weare the same sad livery; By him inspired the feigned Lucina drew More streams of melting sorrow then the true; But then the Scornfull Lady did beguile Their easie griefs, and teach them all to smile.

It was not therefore surprising that figure-footmen, high of stature and faultless in general appearance, should have succeeded each other with startling rapidity, throwing up their appointments and doffing his lordship's livery, without regard to their own welfare or their employer's convenience, but in accordance with some Quixotic notions of respect for their office and loyalty to their order.

The driver, footman, and two outriders donned their liveries, in which they were the envy of all the other servants, and the coach was driven around to the front of the house, from which presently emerged Madame Stewart, in a stately gown of flowered calamanco, her fan and gold pomander in her hand.

A valet who walks the street in his powdering jacket, disdains a livery as much as the fiercest republican, and with as much reasonfor there is no more difference between domestic occupation performed in one coat or another, than there is between the party-coloured habit and the jacket.

They sent over the duchess of Portsmouth, who, besides many other commissions, bore one to laugh us out of our vests, which she performed so effectually, that in a moment we were like so many footmen, who had quitted their masters livery, we took it again, and returned to our old service.

I would have you choose the livery by our arms, only as the field of arms is white, I think the clothes had better not be quite so, but nearly like the inclosed.

Jake had been told off to guard the livery stable and the aëroplanes while the rest remained with Miss Prescott, who was seriously agitated at the accumulation of troubles her party had met with since setting out.

I hate snow's blinding livery.

Again, they that lack her, tho they have many other gifts besides, yet is it to no other purpose, it does then no good: for when we shall come at the great day before him, not having this livery (that is love) with us, then we are lost; he will not take us for His servants, because we have not His cognizance.

Now whosoever fumeth and is angry, he is out of this livery: therefore let us remember that we do not cast away the livery of Christ our Master.

She knew the livery, and her heart throbbed almost to suffocation, as it whispered that Mr. Hamilton would not come alone.

He kept His hour, and found her where she lay Clothed all in white, the livery of the day.

He devoted careful attention to the preparations for his funeral; eminently a friend of order and decorum, he left nothing to chance, but provided for the precise number of masses to be said, the exact amount of wax to be consumed, and the kind of mourning liveries to be worn by his servants.

" "And didst notice his livery?" "Nay, for the trees were too ostentatious and flaunted their new, green finery impudently and hid Neptune's satellite or'twas cloudy, I could not see.

But first I charge thee that thou dost hereafter keep more white and clean the liveries which I gave thee.

She was glad that Jason had not had time to procure a new livery, was glad of the old shabbiness of the room, that its aspect was not yet changed, and that it greeted her with all its old familiarity, Mr. Wordley would not let her talk until she had made, at any rate, a pretense of eating; but when they had gone into the drawing-room, he drew a chair to the fire for her, and said; "Now, my dear, I am afraid I shall have to talk business.

Did you receive your livery and fee, And never heard our orders read unto you?

The old man stopped when he heard the sound of pursuing steps, but any alarms that may have crossed his mind seemed to disappear on his recognizing the livery.

Each confederate caused this uniform to be worn by every member of his family, and replaced with it the livery of his servants.

The servants stand about the anterooms in their shirt-sleevesdoubtless from motives of economy to save their liveries.

38 Verbs to Use for the Word  liveries