110 Verbs to Use for the Word wrist

Jack's powerful left hand seized his wrist and twisted the revolver from it Then, still grasping the wrist, the lad wheeled on his heel.

She spat the words and seized her husband's wrist.

" "That, sir," answers the organist, explainingly, "was because I held my right wrist firmly with my left hand, and played mostly with only one finger.

he said, catching her wrist and bending over it.

There are such things as knife throwing, I know, but it takes a fast wrist to flip a knife faster than a bullet.

There was an unextinguished fire in the eye of the captive, and an expression of fearless indignation in the proud bearing with which he strode by the side of his captors, that clearly told how bravely he would sell his life but for the cords that tightly bound his wrists behind him, and were held by a powerful Cree on each side.

The officer takes a piece of whipcord and makes a double running knot: he ties one noose round the wrist of the prisoner, whose hand is then placed in his trousers pocket, the cord is lashed round the body like a belt, and brought back and slipped through the noose again.

This last was the one nearest Duchemin, who was upon him so suddenly that it would be difficult to say which was the more surprised when Duchemin's stick struck down the pistol hand of the other with such force as must have broken his wrist.

Her clenched hand was gripping Maggie's wrist.

" In the same way the mothers in Esthonia put some red thread in their babies' cradles as a preservative against danger, and in China something red is tied round children's wrists as a safeguard against evil spirits.

Yes, perhaps this lesser thing will tell itwould cut my wrists and let the blood flow out till all is gone if my last drop would makewould make(looking at them fascinated)

One of the men acrobats has sprained his wrist and they've got to cut out his act.

Her okendokenda of bright colors was slightly open at the neck, and revealed brooches of brass and silver that covered her bosom; a heavy necklace of crimson beads hung around her throat; bracelets of brass clasped her wrists, and her long plaited hair was ornamented at the end of the braids with trinkets of silver.

They tied his hands as tightly as possible with hard new cords, fastening the right-hand wrist under the left elbow, and the left-hand wrist under the right elbow.

"If my husband does not believe you," she said, "show him that," and touched Mrs. Kelly's wrist with three fingers.

Some one, some time later, brought him water and gave him bread, releasing his wrists while he ate and fastening them again when he had finished.

"Look!" He pulled up his sleeve and showed his wrist.

Now walk around, and make him go into the corners, if you have to double your left wrist in doing it, but don't move your arm, and when you begin to bend you right wrist to turn, straighten your left, and remember to lean your body and turn your head, if you want your horse to turn his body.

Ah, Rosa, ifif I should dieif I should be carried away, would you always love me, would you always believe in me?" "Why, Dick, you are really ill; let me feel your wrist."

He did not see the choking wretch whose wrist Narcissus twisted, until he struck at Narcissus again and, trying to follow him, stumbled over the assassin.

" He dropped my wrists, and motioned me to follow him.

But Thirkle sat still for a few minutes, rubbing his wrists, and then called for the bottle.

Her fingers clutched his wrist, then slid upward to the crook of his elbow.

She was indeed none other than Madame Angelin, coming quickly from the Rue de Lille, on her way to the homes of her poor, with the little chain of her little bag encircling her wrist.

She sighed, put her cheek into the pillow, and moved her bound wrists for a few seconds, restlessly.

110 Verbs to Use for the Word  wrist