50 oraciones de ejemplo con furnish

#proporcionar#, to furnish, supply.

propensity *propio* own *proponer* propose, suggest *proporcionar* furnish; afford *propósito* m. proposition *proscribir* proscribe *proseguir* proceed, go on with *protagonista* m. and f. principal character, star *protección* f. protection *protestar declare *provecho* m. advantage, benefit; *buen le haga* may it do you good *provocar* provoke *proyecto* m. project, plan *prudencia* f.

proper, own, same, very, characteristic PROPORCIONAR v. to furnish, to supply; to adjust PROPÓSITO m. purpose; A DE regarding PROSEGUIR v.

to furnish, to provide SUMO, -A adj.

to furnish, to provide SUSODICHO, -A adj.

, which tells how to live in health in the tropics, and Higiene Personal (72 cents), which applies to the more temperate regions of Latin America, furnish excellent simple Spanish for reading practice.

proporcionar= to furnish.

=surtir= to furnish.

By comparing a list of eminent men in Spain with a similar list in the United States it will be seen that saints of the Church furnish about two thirds of the Christian names in Spain, about one third here; for women's names the contrast is still greater.

=montar= i or t mount, ride; get (on horseback); (Gall.) fit out, furnish;

D. University of Colorado NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1913 Page iii PREFACE The present volume aims to furnish American students of Spanish with a convenient selection of the Castilian lyrics best adapted to class reading.

I wish to express my very sincere gratitude to the authors of these comedies, who first gave their courteous authorization to reprint, and then extended their generosity so far as to furnish information which would have been wholly inaccessible otherwise.

of prender) imprisoned, prisoner, in custody =prestar= lend, furnish =presunción= f. assumption =pretender= pretend, claim, solicit =prevención= f. warning, prejudice =prevenido, -a= (pp of.

One misses especially the first two chapters of the novel, which furnish such a colorful background for the story.

It has not been thought necessary to furnish biographical sketches of the authors.

to furnish the playhouses in London.(Puedo decir con toda seguridad, porque lo he visto, que el Palacio del placer, el Asno de oro, la Historia etiópica, Amadís de Francia y la Tabla Redonda, comedias obscenas en latín, francés, italiano y español, han sido enteramente destrozadas para abastecer á los teatros de Londres.(N. del T.))Collier, l. c., pág. 419.

=suplir=, to supply, provide, furnish, substitute.

; =se= purpose, plan, propose =proporcionar= supply, provide with, furnish =proposición= f. proposition, proposal =propósito= m. purpose, intention, object, occasion; =a = by the way; =¿a qué ?

=dar=, v. a., to give; to provide; to furnish, =10=, 22; to tell, =112=, 10; = otro paso=, =71=, 13, to take another step; = paso atrás=, to take a step backwards, =80=, 18; = con=, =93=, 6, to meet with; = con el codo=, =47=, 9, to nudge; = a=, =52=, 17, =52=, 21, =65=, 3; = sobre=, =77=, 18, to lead to, to open on, (of a door or window); = la hora=, to call the hour, =20=, 23; = las cinco=, =44=, 13, to strike five;

; =12=, 1, to write, to write down; =2=, 26; = al corriente=, to inform; = en conocimiento=, =56=, 20, to communicate, to bring to the knowledge; =51=, 18, to put in; =tener puesto=, =llevar puesto=, to be wearing, to have on; =así te hemos puesto=, =25=, 16, this is the way we have treated you; = la toda de nuevo=, =124=, 13, to furnish it all anew; =se=, v. refl.

=suministrar,= to supply, furnish.

=surtir,= to furnish, provide.

=amueblar=, to furnish.

=proporcionar=, to afford, to furnish, to supply.

=Caballero de Malta=. In the eleventh century the Knights Hospitalers were established in Jerusalem to furnish shelter to the pilgrims.

50  oraciones de ejemplo con  furnish