30 oraciones de ejemplo con invention

cosecha, f., production; de mi , of my own invention.

Hence we find the mingling of literary genres, the neglect of the dramatic unities, the invention of new meters and the revival of old ones.

la calle del Ataúd=: this dismal name does not seem to be of Espronceda's own invention.

=cosecha= f. harvest; =de mi = of my invention.

In part a follower of the French philosophers of the eighteenth century, Quintana sang also of humanity and progress, as in his ode on the invention of printing.

f. crop, harvest; #de mi #, of my own invention.

Über den alten chinesischen Typendruck und seine Entzvicklung in den Ländern des Fernen Ostens, N.P., 1923; Thomas Francis Carter, The Invention of Printing in China and its Spread Westward, New York, 1925; and Cyrus H. Peake, The origin and development of printing in China in the light of recent research, in the Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1935, X, pp.

The existence of such a valuable document is pure invention.

Invention, n. [invéncion

invention =inventar= to invent =invento= 1 sing.

=invento=, m., invention.

interior =interioridad= f. private affair =internarse= slip in =interrogar= question =interrompir= interrupt =íntimo, -a= intimate =inusitado, -a= unaccustomed =inútil= useless =invención= f. invention, conception, idea =inventar= invent =inverosímil= improbable =invierno= m. winter =invitación= f.

Et parfois, sur internet, c'est long, long... Donc, solution, on allonge la page un maximum, vous permettant de faire du "scrolling" par la barre de droite, ou directement par la souris (ah l'intellimouse, quelle invention...).

With the invention of writing, the time barrier broke down you can still read Seneca and Moses.

With the invention of the printing press, the access barrier was overcome now anyone with money to buy a book can read Seneca and Moses.

Since the explosion of the Internet, and especially the invention of the Web, I communicate mainly by e-mail.

My recently published book, The Kids' How to Do (Almost) Everything Guide, would probably not have been done prior to the invention of e-mail because it would have cost too much in money/time to locate the experts.

=ficción=, f., fiction, invention.

=invento=, m., invention.

invention =inventario= m. inventory =invitar= invite =ir= go, proceed, go on, continue; == + pres.

Fernán Caballero was probably influenced by the Escenas andaluzas, the Escenas matritenses and Larra's essays on manners; and it is quite possible that from her German friends came to her some of the modern spirit of scientific investigation that led her to declare the novel to be "not the product of invention, but of observation.

The Origins of Invention, pág. 2 y sigtes.

Origins of Invention.

of Invention, p. 13 á 32.

Origins of invention.

30  oraciones de ejemplo con  invention