30 adjectives to describe averages

From these causes 24,930 died, which is an annual average of 7,296, or a rate of 11.8 per cent, mortality.

After these dates if the average has been expended the daily average will have to drop to the basis of 100 rounds per 18-pounder per day and other natures in proportion.

So trifling was the carrying trade that the total yearly average of the harbor dues, calculated from the returns of ten years, barely reached $10,000.

some smaller and some larger, but, on a rough average, not more than a hundredth of an inch in diameter, having a well-defined shape and structure.

Here, then, is the continuous average; but it surely indicates no subjection of the individual soul to a law of society; for there is no society to impose such law,there is only the constitution of the individual.

To the best of my judgment, the original photograph is a very exact average of its components; not one feature in it appears identical with that of any one of them, but it contains a resemblance to all, and is not more like to one of them than to another.

Following are the official batting averages of all players participating in the World's Championship Series of 1912.

During the whole of that period, there was a constant average of 209 per 1,000 on the sick-list, and the proportion was sometimes swelled to 330 per 1,000.

It is as ten to one, assuming a moderate average.

During the last four months of 1916 the gross tonnage lost by submarine attack alone gave the following monthly average: British, 121,500; Allies, 59,500; neutrals, 87,500; total, 268,500.

so I can't tell, but I think it happens about once a year, and I dare say it's a statistical mysterythe averages must be kept right, and my mind is not to blameno free will in the matter.

For it was his common practice to go to bed with the birds and rise with the sun; and more often than not he lodged in the inn of the silver moon, with moss for a couch, leafy boughs for a canopy and the stars for night-lightsaccommodations infinitely more agreeable than those afforded by the grubby and malodorous auberge of the wayside average.

In Scotland, too, it ought to be said that they have a better average in respect to prose fiction.

so I can't tell, but I think it happens about once a year, and I dare say it's a statistical mysterythe averages must be kept right, and my mind is not to blameno free will in the matter.

A.Although this may be done, it is probably too much to say that it can be done on an average, and about three fourths of a quarter of wheat per horse power would probably be a nearer average.

I claim for composite portraiture, that it affords a method of obtaining pictorial averages, which effects simultaneously for every point in a picture what a method of numerical averages would do for each point in the picture separately.

A single plant has been known to yield as much as two pounds of fiber; but the most favorable average rarely affords more than one pound, and plants grown in indifferent soil scarcely a sixth of that quantity.

It had an air of dash about it which went far towards redeeming the dead level of respectable average which flattens the physiognomy of the rectangular city.

Rev. Twitchell (who was over here with me a while,) conceived a pretty correct average of my German.

In that time it is said that he travelled 225,000 miles, and preached more than 40,000 sermonsan average of more than two for every day of the year.

The salaries of uncertificated teachers are usually lower than the wage of a skilled artisanthe average for men head teachers being below £100, and for women head teachers below £70, whilst 7,855 assistant teachers receive less than £50.

"He's establishing a slow average.

Such a standard averages the fluctuations of particular goods and would give a fair approximation in practice to the ideals of equal sacrifice and equal enjoyment (on the average tho not in individual cases).

Are you no longer chartered, privileged, But sunk to simple woman's penury, To ruthless Nature's chary average Where is the rebel's right for you alone?

For ten miles the fall averages twenty-one feet per mile, sufficient to make the current very dangerous even at low water, and something terrible after heavy rains or much snow melting.

30 adjectives to describe  averages