30 adjectives to describe casket

" Victor dropped into a chair beside the table and lifted the lid of a small golden casket.

He heard the clock strike two, and shortly after, in a fit of exasperation, thinking to discipline his mind with reading, lighted the candle on the bedside stand, found his book, and fumbled vainly in the little silver casket beside the candlestick for a cigarette.

She told him to go to King Upang's palace and to beg from him the lid of the sacred casket in which the accessories of worship were kept.

The magic casket.

The invitation itself is one of the most chastely elegant memorials ever prepared, and is a scroll of solid gold, suitably engraved, and encased in a handsome plush casket with white silk linings.

It was a pretty casket, made of the margarite of the sea.

A pair of statuettes, a golden tobacco-box, a costly jewel-casket, or a pair of richly gemmed horse-pistolsthe property of some ancient gentleman or dame of emaciated fortune, and which must be sold to keep up the bravery of good clothes and pomade that hid slow starvationwent into the shop-window of the ever-obliging apothecary, to be disposed of by tombola.

There she sat facing me once more, "a feasting presence made of light"her hair like a golden wheat sheaf, her eyes like blue flowers amid the wheat, and her bosom, by no means parsimoniously concealed, literally suggesting that the loveliness of all the water lilies in the world was amassed there within her corset as in some precious casket.

Within a stone coffin was found a leaden casket containing a number of bones declared to be those of a small sized female.

" Among the ornamental furniture were"A large vase of massive silver, for holding sugar-plums or sweetmeats, shaped like a square table, supported by four satyrs, also of silver; a fine wooden casket, covered with vermilion cordovan, nailed, and bordered with a narrow gilt band, shutting with a key.

" It was not easy for Dab to keep from laughing in Ford Foster's face; but his mother had not given him so many lessons in good-breeding for nothing, and Ford was permitted to close his ambitious "casket" without any worse annoyance than his own wounded pride gave him.

*** The PREMIER has received the magnificent gold casket containing the freedom of the City of London conferred on him last April.

He bowed his head before this pretty, perfumed casket of erudition.

And in London I was frightfully convinced of this as I past houses and placesempty caskets now.

But far more interesting than any of these are two large plain caskets of oak, lying side by side at the foot of the staircase by which you descend.

The renowned caskets of Portia had scarcely excited more curiosity in their way than this little silver box of the major's had created in the mind of Maud.

On his right are piled Ripe apples fallen from the oak-tree tall; And silver caskets at his left support Toy-gardens, Syrian scents enshrined in gold And alabaster, cakes of every sort

Before the chancel, on trestles draped in black, stood the sombre casket in which lay all that was mortal of her dear teacher.

But, if we must make our choice, we shall, like Bassanio in the play, turn from the specious caskets which contain only the Death's head and the Fool's head, and fix on the plain leaden chest which conceals the treasure.

the treasure!" "Ay, let us, at least, take something with us," rejoined Judith, snatching up two or three of the most valuable caskets.

How comes this lovely casket here?

Silently he uncovered him as if paying that reverence to the broken casket which death exacts for his meanest subjects.

No undertaking establishments existed here at this time and on the death of a person burial was made in crude caskets built of rough cypress planks unless the deceased was a member of a family financially able to afford the expensive metal caskets that were available no nearer than Memphis.

It turns the scientific universe topsy-turvy, and makes it essentially possible that the key of all social evolution may be found in the dusty casket of some discredited creed.

Oftentimes at least Me hath such strong enhancement overcome, When I have held a volume in my hand, Poor earthly casket of immortal verse, Shakespeare, or Milton, labourers divine!

30 adjectives to describe  casket