16 adjectives to describe contagion

Reason.~ Once a learned Boston maiden Was besought for one sweet kiss; "Only one," he softly pleaded, But the maid's reply was this: "I am quite surprised you ask it, When you know physicians say That for spreading dire contagion Kissing is the surest way.

Whether enveloped in her hammock and slung up to the roof, as in South America, or raised above the ground in a dark and narrow cage, as in New Ireland, she may be considered to be out of the way of doing mischief, since, being shut off both from the earth and from the sun, she can poison neither of these great sources of life by her deadly contagion.

People could not help defending them and loving them, and they ended by smiling on them in a delightful contagion of tenderness.

In Howard's case, the rout at Chancellorsville will always detract from his fame; he was, however, on that day new in his place, and the infatuation of Hooker by an evil contagion passed down to his lieutenants.

Everything looked smiling and beautiful, and there was an almost irresistible contagion in the mirth of her young cousin, but still she could not help feeling sad.

You're a giantess reeking with mad contagions.

The revolutionary contagion spread to Italy, where, indeed, the movement had begun.

Well, see if I am right in asserting that consumption is not hereditary, but only that consumptive parents transmit to their children a degenerate soil, in which the disease develops at the slightest contagion.

Good thoughts spread with slow but sure contagion.

He laughed too, giving himself up to that spectral contagion.

In the winter of 1848-49 news began to come that there was gold in California, but not generally believed till it came through a U.S. officer, and then, as the people were used to mines and mining, a regular gold fever spread as if by swift contagion.

A conflagration is the universal contagion, the one excitement that never palls.

This speed was incarnated in the visible contagion amongst brutes of some impulse, that, radiating into their natures, had yet its centre and beginning in man.

At the bottom of this passion for riches conjugal contagion probably lay.

The yellow contagion spread everywhere; from all the streets around, the botanical deluge continued to flow in upon me.

It was meant to wipe off and drive away a dangerous contagion, whether personified as demoniacal or not, which was supposed to be adhering physically, though invisibly, to the body of the sufferer.

16 adjectives to describe  contagion