52 adjectives to describe instructor

Smith's new rapid instructor for guitar.

Preparatory instructor for baritone, bass clef.

Now, Miss Effingham, every body thinks frequent changes of religious instructors in particular, necessary.

On reaching their destination they were placed under the superintendence of competent instructors, who were commissioned to initiate them into the canon of Buddhist scriptures, comprising, to mention only a few of the principal, the Lalitavistara, the Dhammapada, the Kuddhapatha, the Palinokkha, the Uragavagga, the Kulavagga, the Mahavagga, the Atthakavagga, and the Upasampadakammavaca.

Selmer elementary clarinet instructor.

The junior instructor.

Standard rhythm band instructor.

The sovereign of that country having no power nor means to resist the incursions of the enemy, readily adopted the faith of Zerdusht, and accepted the sacred book named Zendavesta, as his spiritual instructor.

Many, no doubt, will preferably devote themselves to commerce, others to agricultural undertakings and also to the pursuits of mining, but necessarily some will turn their attention and employ their funds in the formation of extensive manufactures, aided by intelligent instructors and suitable machinery.

Those around him found in him not only a benevolent neighbour but also a faithful instructor in the highest learning.

Edited by a committee of the classical instructors in Harvard University (Arthur Stanley Pease, Joshua Whatmough, Herbert Bloch) © 6Feb45; A185935.

Certain it is that he did not ask any botherin' questions, but sat, leaning forward on his stout oaken staff, held firmly between his knees, and did not move for the next hour, his eyes resting alternately on the school and on the young teacher, who, now that her first fright was over, was conducting her entertainment with the composure and dignity of an experienced instructor.

Preparatory instructor for basses; BB flat and E flat.

THOMAS, MAX. Playtime, a melodic self-instructor for the tonette, by Paul Yoder, pseud.

Another factor to be borne in mind is the character of his governor and principal instructor, the historian, F.F. Carlson, who gave to his pupil a fondness for scientific exactness as well as an insight into the true causes of civilizatory development found none too frequently in professional thinkers, and hardly ever in princes.

E-Z self instructor for chromatic harmonicas.

Having finished his primary studies, with high reputation, he prepared, under an improved instructor, to enter Union College.

Good voices are often injured by injudicious management on the part of some incompetent instructor.

He had many pupils, but latterly could not bear them in his presence and was therefore but an indifferent instructor.

As the succeeding chapters are studied, additional experiments on bones and their relation to other parts of the body, will readily suggest themselves to the ingenious instructor or the thoughtful student.

The substitute for the Bible, as an ethical and spiritual instructor, is not out.

These will enable a judicious instructor to communicate a great variety of valuable information.

It is by some thought a little hard, that in an affair of the last consequence, to the very being of the Clergy, in the points of liberty and property, as well as in their abilities to perform their duty; this whole reverend body, who are the established instructors of the nation in Christianity and moral virtues, and are the only persons concerned, should be the sole persons not consulted.

It is now a primary moral duty, enforced by all our juvenile instructors with every citizen, to adapt his family to his means; and thus a regard which each individual has for his offspring, is the salvation of the State.

How many things had happened since she last heard the voice of him, her kind instructor.

52 adjectives to describe  instructor