5 adjectives to describe quintessence

He thought he quaffed Life itself in its distilled quintessence, its pure elixir.

And now her vase a modest Naiad fills With liquid crystal from her pebbly rills; Piles the dry cedar round her silver urn, 480 (Bright climbs the blaze, the crackling faggots burn), Culls the green herb of China's envy'd bowers, In gaudy cups the steamy treasure pours; And, sweetly-smiling, on her bended knee Presents the fragrant quintessence of Tea.

On the other hand, using the words of Tamburlaine, we may say of all his dramatic contemporaries, excepting Shakespeare "If all the heavenly quintessence they still From their immortal flowers of poesy," were gathered into one vial, it could not surpass the odor from patches of flowers in Marlowe's garden.

Unlike Verlaine whose work was directly influenced by Baudelaire, especially on the psychological side, in his insidious nuances of thought and skilful quintessence of sentiment, Theodore Hannon especially descended from the master on the plastic side, by the external vision of persons and things.

Hammers were pounding at the wooden crates, and off toward France and England in great golden waves those daughters of the South rolledcapsules of golden skin, filled with sweet juicethe quintessence of Spanish sunshine.

5 adjectives to describe  quintessence