94 adjectives to describe staircases

" A quarter of an hour later the three boys, in semi-undress, were creeping in single file up the narrow staircase.

She lived on the fourth floorone went up a broad, bare, cold stone staircase (which always reminded me of some of the staircases in the Roman palaces).

Then the Beautiful Wicked Witch took him up the spiral staircase to show him the bird.

He was dressed in his official robes, had two sheriffs and a macebearer, and when he stood at the top of the grand staircase he was an imposing figure and the public was delighted with him.

" He carried her, shrieking and struggling in his arms, out of the room, and dragged her by main force down the secret staircase.

It was at the top of a little staircase leading to the musicians' gallery.

He watched her graceful figure till it was lost to sight in the winding staircase, and then he turned back to his office.

In leading me by narrow passages and up steep staircases, from one room to another of the irregular collection of rooms, he was continually cautioning me about my footsteps, and in one place he seemed to have a kind of formula: 'Three steps at this place, ten at this, eleven at this, and three again.'

The hidden staircase.

" We went up to the first floor by a steep and narrow wooden staircase, and we took possession of two rooms with very low ceilings, but of which one was sufficiently large.

This was too much for our valiant hero, who quickly turned tail, and disappeared down the circular staircase, the Goorkha following him at a short distance.

but he really is crazy?" He led the way up an outside staircase at the end of the Brick Row, and, after fumbling a long time in several deep pockets, produced a huge rusty iron key, and unlocked the door at the head of the stairs.

Noting the address of these carefully, the Devil sallied forth, and nothing but his ignorance of the topography of the hotel, which made him take the back stairs, saved him from the clutches of two bailiffs lurking on the principal staircase.

" We followed him along the corridor and up a rather dingy staircase, when he tapped gently at a door immediately facing us.

" Quickly he led the way up the handsome staircase and into a large, lofty, richly furnished room.

He pictured, too, the Seguins' luxurious mansion in the Avenue d'Antin, the great hall, the magnificent staircase, the vast room above, crowded with marvels; he pictured all the refinement, all the train of wealth, all the tokens of lavish life, the big dowry which would be given to the little girl, the high position which would be purchased for the son.

Across the hall was his destinationthe broad balustraded staircase, which swept grandly up to the second floor.

She lived on the fourth floorone went up a broad, bare, cold stone staircase (which always reminded me of some of the staircases in the Roman palaces).

Thus the Dastan-Shah whiles away time until about 8 p.m. when the club breaks up and the faded Aspasia helps her fractious Pericles down the rotten staircase and out into the night.

We ascended a ruinous staircase, which led to an open gallery, where three or four hundred of the Vizier's Albanian guards were lounging.

We approach a very splendid marble staircase leading to the state apartments.

Nouronihar and he, having ascended the steps of a vast staircase of black marble, reached the terrace, which was flagged with squares of marble and resembled a smooth expanse of water.

The splendid double staircase leading to the entrance hall of the Palazzo del Senatore, and part of the Palazzo dei Conservatori, were completed during Michelangelo's lifetime.

The greater part has undergone alterations, and been adapted to modern tastes and modes of living; there is a fine old oaken staircase; and the great hall, that noble feature in an ancient manor-house, still retains much of the appearance it must have had in the days of Shakespeare.

By dinner-time they steamed up to the stately back staircase of the "Pemigewasset."

94 adjectives to describe  staircases