10 adverbs to describe how to corners

In the midst of the palace standes a cisterne of two yards high, which consisteth of a precious stone called Merdochas, and is wreathed about with golde, and at ech corner thereof is the golden image of a serpent, as it were, furiously shaking and casting forth his head.

In a corner outside, and now open to the elements, had once been a small winding stone stair, which led to the room above, on the few broken fragments of which, projecting from the two sides of the corner, it was just possible to climb, and so reach the top of the vault.

The man was plainly cornered and seemed to be divided between a desire to let Gifford go on and place himself in a dangerous situation, and the more expedient course of raising a scandal which would touch him as well as disgrace his dead brother.

It was the same trench in June, still a relatively "quiet corner," which I had seen in March; but I would never have known it if its location had not been the same on the map.

Since the prey was safely cornered, he generously decided to share the anticipated excitement with some boon companions.

It is the land where the excitement of pursuit is over, and the game is securely cornered, but not yet in hand.

Lett no dark corner of the Land Bee unimbellisht with one Gemme, And those which here too thick doe stand Sprinkle on them.

When she smiled it was as if the spirit of her small brooding face took wings and fluttered, lifting delicately the rather heavy corners of her mouth and eyes.

There is an urgent call for a comprehensive book which will waste no time in non-essentials,a book that can be read in a few sittings and yet will give a glimpse over this quaint and wondrously interesting corner of Europe.

It got into the official bulletins of both sides several times, this two hundred yards at Pilken in the everlastingly "hot corner" north of Ypres.

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