20 adverbs to describe how to material

If it is construction from without, then we are dealing with the purely material universe.

You cannot make a newspaper flourish unless you fill it with pictures and scandals, or make it a vehicle of advertisements,which are not frivolous or corrupt, it is true, but which have to do with merely material interests.

As a sure precaution against the loss of the gem, another cup had been made and engraved in an exactly similar manner, inside of which, to complete the delusion, another stone of the same size and cut, but of comparatively valueless material, had been placed.

They were composed of precisely the same material as the flower of the Secession army,if flower it have.

'You may laugh, if you will, at both, and say again, as I have heard you say ere now, that the popular Christian paradise and hell are but a Pagan Olympus and Tartarus, as grossly material as Mahomet's, without the honest thorough-going sexuality, which you thought made his notion logical and consistent. . . .

This crust once broken, which it was not very difficult to do by means of pick and crows, the materials beneath were found loose enough for the purposes of agriculture, almost without using the spade.

It is the moment of creation, all is bright, the fog disappears, becomes peopled, is animated, forms appear, they move, they are agitated, they are no illusory shadows; but, on the contrary, essentially material, which cross and recross at every moment.

The result is so frankly material at times that one wonders if he is not reading of forces or machines, rather than of human beings.

Furthermore, owing to the weathering to which the adjacent rocks are subjected, material of the finer sort, susceptible of transportation by rains and o

She can have read little of philosophy or metaphysics, and probably had never heard of the mystics; she was brought up in a narrow, crude, and harshly material creed; yet her own inner experience, her touch with the secret of life, enabled her to write the remarkable series of poems the peculiar and haunting quality of which has as yet scarcely been recognised.

Yours has also its independent affinities; I see and respect them; and even though they might lead our bodiesour outward, material livesaway from one another, we should still be true to that glorious light of Jove which permeates all soul-matter.

Nowhere are the poet's metaphors more nakedly material; nowhere does he verge more often upon a sort of brutality of phrase, a cruel coarseness.

His face was not what one would expect the face of a man engaged in making warfare more deadly to be as he murmured, not to Katie but to the thin outer rim, softly, as to rims barely material: "And more than thata woman.

And the former remarked in one part of her critique: "Even this short review reveals how honest, how moral, how human and comely is the fable of Fecondite,"* while the latter expressed the view that the work was "eminently, pugnaciously virtuous in M. Zola's strictly material conception of virtue."

Having always been a lazy dog, Starkey regarded himself as an example of industry unrewarded; being as selfish a fellow as one could meet, he reproached himself with the unworldliness of his nature, which had so hindered him in a basely material age.

[Science of matter] physics; somatology^, somatics; natural philosophy, experimental philosophy; physicism^; physical science, philosophie positive [Fr.], materialism; materialist; physicist; somatism^, somatist^. Adj. material, bodily; corporeal, corporal; physical; somatic, somatoscopic^; sensible, tangible, ponderable, palpable, substantial. objective, impersonal, nonsubjective^, neuter, unspiritual, materialistic.

Consequently the historical materials contained in them, though always of great importance for discovering the latest law, have not binding force.

Swedenborg in some ways is curiously material, at any rate in expression, and in one point at least he differs from other mystics.

The information thus afforded to Gines appeared exceedingly material.

"I had better say here that I was doubtful whether there was any value in the 'Defense' about Miss Hisgins, for what I term the 'personal sounds' of the manifestation were so extraordinarily material that I was inclined to parallel the case with that one of Harford's where the hand of the child kept materializing within the pentacle and patting the floor.

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