16 adverbs to describe how to variegated

H. syriacus coelestis bears bright blue flowers, while H. syriacus variegatus has beautifully variegated foliage.

In it there are exceedingly large pheasants, with tails eight or ten handbreadths long, and many other kinds of birds, some of which have very beautiful and finely variegated plumage.

"If you think of Sparrows only as a sober, dusty-colored family, you may be surprised to learn that this large, handsome bird, with the white throat, the head striped with black and white, a yellow spot over the eye, and richly variegated brown feathers, is a member of that group.

Every part of the church becomes decorated and symbolical and harmonious, though infinitely variegated.

Hippocastanum foliis variegatis has the foliage rather irregularly variegated.

The most conspicuous was a huge oriole, the size of a small crow, with a naked face, a black-and-red bill, and gaudily variegated plumage of green, yellow, and chestnut.

V. major elegantissima is a decided variety, the leaves being neatly and evenly variegated, and making the plant of great value for bank or rock-work decoration.

The uropygium also, which in the European bird is entirely white, is in our specimen partially variegated with black.

Eve thought she had never beheld a more wild or beautifully variegated foliage, than that which the whole leafy mountainside presented.

There are three distinct forms of this shrubthe first, C. Siliquastrum alba, having pure white flowers; C. Siliquastrum carnea, with beautiful deep pink flowers; and C. Siliquastrum variegata, with neatly variegated foliage, though rather inconstant of character.

The variety J. officinale affine has flowers that are individually larger than those of the species; J. officinale aurea has badly variegated leaves; J. officinale grandiflorum and J. officinale grandiflorum majus, are also desirable kinds.

The answer obviously is, that God has spoken to men, [Greek: polymeros kai polytropos], "at sundry times and in divers manners," with a richly variegated wisdom.

In summer: Upper parts boldly variegated with black, white, and reddish-brown; tail black, with white base and tip.

And those very hollow parts of the earth, though filled with water and air, exhibit a certain species of color, shining among the variety of other colors, so that one continually variegated aspect presents itself to the view.

The contents of its window were curiously variegated.

In general contour it is symmetrical and strong; in detail it is neat and compact; and, whilst the colour of it may indicate some singularity, and strike you as being eccentrically variegated, there is nothing in any sense improper about the character of its materials, and as time goes on, and familiarity with them is increased, they will cease to look whimsical and appear just as good as anything else.

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