5 Metaphors for coves

Refuge Cove, lying seven miles South 1/4 West from Rabbit Island, was our next anchorage.

An instant afterwards, though, he burst out laughing, in spite of himself, as 'The Battersea Bantam,' who had been ineffectually dancing round Tregarva like a gamecock spurring at a bull, turned off with a voice of ineffable disgust, 'That big cove's a yokel; ta'nt creditable to waste science on him.

" The cove was a hole hollowed out by running water.

The cove was a quiet harbor in which the small boats could easily ply between the vessel and the shore, but, in this case, the gold must be carried by tedious journeys along the beach.

"The cove as the gent wants, miss, must be 'im as came close upon eleven o'clock last night," he put in.

5 Metaphors for  coves