114 Metaphors for duties

I was going to suggest to you whether the duties of the general committee might not be very much enlargedwhether it might not be employed very usefully in increasing the amount of subscriptions.

"Duty is the sublimest word in our language," he wrote to his son; and, if we add that other august maxim, "Human virtue should be equal to human calamity," we shall have in a few words a summary of the principles which inspired Lee.

The first duty to be performed was the calling of the roll after "assembly" had been soundedsomewhat quaveringlyby little Andy Bowles, the company bugler.

For if liberty is only an adventitious right; if men are by no means superiour to brutes; if every social duty is a curse; if cruelty is highly to be esteemed; if murder is strictly honourable, and Christianity is a lye; then it is evident, that the African slavery may be pursued, without either the remorse of conscience, or the imputation of a crime.

In surgical wards, one duty of every nurse certainly is prevention.

There were those who held that the duty to speak the truth was merely a social obligation, and that when a man showed himself as an enemy of God and of his fellows, he shut himself out from the pale of this social obligation; moreover, that when such a man could be deterred from crime, and at the same time a Christian's life could be preserved, by the telling of an untruth, a falsehood would be justifiable.

Duty before whom the flowers laugh, is the daughter of the voice of God, through whom the most ancient heavens are fresh and strong.

"Duty is your fetish.

But duty is my guide, and I bow to its bequests.

Another duty which was particularly incumbent on me as one of the Metropolitan Members, was the attempt to obtain a Municipal Government for the Metropolis: but on that subject the indifference of the House of Commons was such that I found hardly any help or support within its walls.

" Internal revenue duties are those taxes collected by the government from its own citizens upon a small class of articles produced in this country.

The soldiers looked at their Lebel rifles as though the not unpleasant duty of making them speak for France would soon be theirs.

This duty may have been a privilege in the dark ages but it is now become a tax that none, who have been educated with better hopes, can endure to pay.

"Applications will be received by Mr. J. Arnold, Chairman of the Bathurst Municipality, for a TOWN CLERK, whose duties will be the following, viz.:

The duty of aubaine was the fine or due paid by merchants, either in kind or money, to the feudal chief, when they passed near his castle, landed in his ports, or exposed goods for sale in his markets.

It is a curious historical fact that this article, wool, seems to be the chief bone of contention ever since; in our tariffs nothing has been more bitter than the dispute on wool; the duty on wool is the shibboleth of the extreme protectionist.

If you or I promise and vow things in another person's name, we must be bound more or less to see that that other person fulfils the promise which we made for him: and so the baptism service warns the sponsors as soon as the child is christened, 'Forasmuch as this child has promised,' &c.; and then we have a plain explanation of what a godfather and godmother's duties are.

Only duty is masculine and hard.

This happiness in her life added much to mine, and it came to pass that the duty which had seemed such a bitter task, became a pleasure.

Partly the growth of this sentiment accompanied the agitation against trusts and the belief that protective duties in some cases were an aid to the formation of domestic monopolies.

The religious duties of monks were still dreary, monotonous, and gloomy,long and protracted singing in the choir, incessant vigils, an unnatural silence at the table, solitary walks in the cloister, the absence of social pleasures, confinement to the precincts of their convents; but their convents became bee-hives of industry, and their lands were highly cultivated.

Here the one duty in the realm of morals is truth-telling.

I should say, then, that every member of a lodge present at balloting for a candidate has a right to deposit his vote; and not only a right, but a duty which he is to be compelled to perform; since, without the unanimous consent of all present, there can be no election.

The new mental attitude is one of a greater sense of moral freedom, responsibility, and opportunity; the new duty which is supposed to be exercised concurrently with, and not in opposition to the old ones upon which the social fabric depends, is an endeavour to further evolution, especially that of the human race.

Thus, if, on a valuation of $1000, the duty collected under the old rate has been $400, and under the new law is to be $290.50, three years would be required for the full change to become effective, the reduction each day being $.10 per $1000 valuation.

114 Metaphors for  duties