26 Metaphors for maria

Maria, by her mother's side, So young, in Death's dark chambers laid, And Lottie, soon to be a bride, Have seen earth's fairest vision fade.

Still, as you suspected, Maria was the key, and I began to speculate about her.

She was the third daughter, Maria and Elizabeth being her elder sisters, and fast on her heels followed Patrick Branwell, Emily Jane and Anne.

I will not 'bate one smile on that clear brow, But take of Time a rigorous account, When next I see you; and Maria now Must be the Thing she was.

But Maria was still Maria.

" As a little girl, Maria was not a brilliant scholar; she was shy and slow; but later, under her father's tuition, she developed very rapidly.

" In 1855 Mrs. Mitchell was taken suddenly ill, and although partial recovery followed, her illness lasted for six years, during which time Maria was her constant nurse.

So the Princess Maria became a servant of her rival, and often sat in old rags under the stairs at her work, while her faithless husband passed her without seeing her.

It was pointed out in the report upon the case that the Maria was undoubtedly a Dutch ship and that her agents had introduced an element of confusion in the dealings with her by speaking of her as belonging to a British company.

But he was, unfortunately, too proneand a long course of moral self-indulgence had confirmed him in itto the habit of caressing his own sensibilities; and the result of this was always to set him upon one of those attempts to be pathetic of malice prepense of which Maria of Moulines is one example, and the too celebrated dead donkey of Nampont another.

The Lady Maria was a sort of sister ship to the Carleton.

Soon she was found by a young giantess who, too, was about to eat her, but when she learned that Maria was the wife of Don Juan she carried her to her own house and hid her, saying that she must be cared for a while until her parents should return, for they might eat her without asking who she was.

Maria was not the oldest of the children; she was not quite nine, and her sister Harriet was as much as eleven, and her brother George still older.

Then Miss Maria, being a product of the same school, dismissed the idea as absurd.

The Maria was a Dutch vessel sailing under the flag of Holland, but was supposed by the English authorities to have been under charter to an English firm.

Twelve months after their marriage, Maria became the mother of twinsthe twin brothers of our tale.

For the entertainment of this youthful beauty he wrote his Filicopo, and the fair Maria is undoubtedly the heroine of several of his stories and poems.

Mr. Mitchell, on relinquishing school-teaching, was appointed cashier of the Pacific Bank; but although he gave up teaching, he by no means gave up studying his favorite science, astronomy, and Maria was his willing helper at all times.

And Maria, who died, was an infant prodigy.

He said he had enjoyed it awfully, and that Aunt Maria was a charming hostess.

" SMALL CRAFT When they had finished the story, Lucy shut the book, saying, "Maria was a good girl, was not she, Rollo?" "Yes," said Rollo, "she was an excellent girl.

Madonna Maria was the beautiful dame du comptoir of the Catholic Church, who, with her beautiful eyes, attracted and held fast its customers, especially the barbarians of the North.

"Santa Maria!" came a cry of death, and hovering riders dashed to draw the Bear away.

Anna Maria, born August 29, 1751, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, born January 27, 1756, were the only two of seven children who survived.

To understand the developments of the devotion, it is important to grasp the fact that the Ave Maria was merely a form of greeting.

26 Metaphors for  maria