8 Words to use with companionship

He has the disadvantage of being a stranger, for the herds of his own species which he seeks for companionship constitute so many cliques, into which he can only find admission by more fighting with their strongest members than he has spirit to undergo.

Just a boy who needs a friend, Patient, kindly to the end, Needs a father who will show Him the things he wants to know; Take him with you when you walk, Listen when he wants to talk, His companionship enjoy, Don't forget, he's just a boy!

But, as companionship imparts courage, on we went, filled with vivid recollections of Mrs. Radcliffe's romances, accompanied with an urgent curiosity also to see, for the first time, living monks and a real monastery.

" That her society was sought by very good men is evidenced by the grave theologians who found her companionship pleasant, perhaps salutary.

To save the engines, therefore, it would be necessary for a man to go to the Douvres, to be alone in that sea, alone at five leagues from the coast, alone in that region of terrors, for entire weeks, in the presence of dangers foreseen and unforeseenwithout supplies in the face of hunger and nakedness, without companionship save that of death.

The bereaved, the downcast, and those in need of companionship turn naturally to Wordsworth.

And with the new brightness in which every common scene has been apparelled there has stirred within me a need of human companionship unknown in the past.

His will it is: Kindred and long companionship withal, Most high Athena, are things magical.

8 Words to use with  companionship