65 Words to use with energy

Under such conditions, the level of energy production is bound to be low, and to remain low, and the modus of its mobilization slow and unwieldy.

The Western World is unnecessarily addicted to fossil fuels and other energy commodities not because alternative energy sources are unavailable, but because alternative business models for energy production cannot be fully considered without disrupting the world's most powerful corporations and economies.

Pituitary Gland of energy consumption and utilizationcontinued effort anterior Unknown Growth of skeleton and supporting tissues posterior Pituitrin Nerve cell and involuntary muscle cell, brain and sex tone 3.

Waller was smooth; but Dryden taught to join The varying verse, the full-resounding line, The long majestic march, and energy divine.

So while the thyroid raises the energy level of the brain, and the whole nervous system, as a byproduct of its general awakening effect upon all the cells of the body, the pituitary probably stimulates the brain cells more directly, perhaps in the manner of caffeine or cocaine.

Physics tells why: an explanation of some common physical phenomena; atomic energy edition.

The thyroid, therefore, in addition to its rôle as an accelerator, acts, too, as the efficient lubricator for energy transformations.

Energy analysis of naval machinery.

SEE CHARTERS, W. W. GRAINGER, NORMAN W. Functional energy control.

The natural organization of protozoa from orgone energy vesicles (B10 NS) Theodore P. Wolfe, translator.

An adrenalized people one would, expect to be the first to take advantage of possibilities because of their energy capacity.

The New energy concept of the healing art.

The programmer already understands that if the code is used on millions of machines, each effort to reduce energy consumption by a minuscule amount can amplify into tremendous energy savings.

Likening one energy machine to another, the thyroid may be compared to the accelerator of an automobile.

Man is an energy phenomenon, both conscious and unconscious, with the energy emanating from the endocrine-vegetative mechanisms.

Harmony of proportion and the magic of expression are sacrificed to energy emergent in a powerful physique.

The difference between the thyroid and the pituitary might be put this way: that while the thyroid increases energy evolution and so makes available a greater supply of crude energy, by speeding up cellular processes, the pituitary assists in energy transformation, in energy expenditure and conversion, especially of the brain, and of the sexual system.

Made to react to stimuli of offense and defense, instantaneously responsive to situations involving energy exchanges and protective reflexes, they are never for any minute the same or alone.

The difference between the thyroid and the pituitary might be put this way: that while the thyroid increases energy evolution and so makes available a greater supply of crude energy, by speeding up cellular processes, the pituitary assists in energy transformation, in energy expenditure and conversion, especially of the brain, and of the sexual system.

Mark flipped past a few more files, pointing out the connections and the diagrams of chambers, coils, and energy field generators.

At this place we are concerned merely with the "channel" through which the currents of energy flow, and which has been called the astral tube.

Successful civilizers made this one of their chief tasks, mobilizing energy forces and materials and using them to build palaces, temples, mausoleums and whole city complexes with appropriate defenses against marauders and other enemies.

If so, then this law will occupy precisely the same place in My Microcosm, or personal world, that it does in the Macrocosm, or great world, as a power which is in itself formless, but which by reason of its presence necessarily impresses its character upon all that the creative energy forms.

There was physical energy galore lavished gladly by the family, in doing what is commonly considered the mother's work.

It was an energy generative of a most enduring patience.

65 Words to use with  energy