23 Verbs to Use for the Word vol


Johnson writing on April 3, 1753 says, 'I began the second vol. of my Dictionary, room being left in the first for Preface, Grammar, and History, none of them yet begun' (ante, i. 255).

89 to date and Missouri Appeal reports vols.

8vo., and 'biographical, literary, and political anecdotes of several of the most eminent persons of the present age; never before printed,' 3 vols.

His writings, which fill 17 folio vols., along with those of Duns Scotus, his rival, constitute the high-water mark of scholastic philosophy and the watershed of its divergence into the PHILOSOPHICO-SPECULATIVE THOUGHT on the one hand, and the ETHICO-PRACTICAL OR REALISM OF MODERN TIMES on the other, q. v. (1226-1274).

Ordinary mortals content themselves with lesser works, such as Pimont's Hymnes du Breviare Romain (Paris Poussielgne. 2 vols, 12-1/2 francs), or with La Poesie du Breviaire, Les Hymns, by l'abbe C. Albin.

Set out now, and give no time to deliberation P.S.The 2d vol. of Elia is delightful(-ly bound, I mean) and quite cheap.

Si·l reys engles el dux normans o vol, ieu la veirai, abans que l'iverns nos sobreprenda.

"Country Neighbours; or, The Secret," the tale that inspired Lamb's sonnet, formed Vols.

I fondly hoped that vol.

D.; "Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory;" 2 vols.

Around the tomb where Davy lies J.F.C. See vol.

HEMANS, FELICIA DOROTHEA, née Browne, poetess, born in Liverpool; her marriage was an unhappy one, and after the birth of five children ended in permanent separation; she was the authoress of a number of works, a complete edition of which occupies 7 vols., the best of her productions being lyrics; and she enjoyed the friendship of Wordsworth, Scott, and other literary celebrities of the time (1791-1835).

SHENSTONE, WILLIAM, poet, born, the son of a landed proprietor, at Hales-Owen, Shropshire; was educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, and during the years 1737-42 produced three vols.

p. 277.)About twelve years ago, Valpy published a vol. of Supplements to Lemprière's Dictionary, by E.H. Barker.

It was the song that the poet-minstrel, the friend of Albrecht Dürer, wrote in honor of Luther when the great Reformation broke; and the prima donna, rising to her feet in the stern, and returning the greeting of the nightingale began: "Sorgiam, che spunta il dolce albor, cantar ascolto in mezzo ai fior voluttuoso un usignol spiegando a noi l'amante vol!...

I approve heartily of your turning your four vols.

He would attack Vols.

BANIM, JOHN, Irish author, a native of Kilkenny, novelist of Irish peasant life on its dark side, who, along with his brother Michael, wrote 24 vols.

As much iron as would have builded a brig, vol. 1, page 68.

BOLLAND, JOHN, a Jesuit of Antwerp, born in Belgium; compiled five vols.

Ecclesiastical Institutions, 1885, 2d ed., 1886, together constituting vol.

{28} For what is known of these, consult Dr. Nugent's 'Memoir on the Geology of Antigua,' Transactions of Geological Society, vol.

23 Verbs to Use for the Word  vol