27 examples of underfed in sentences

At one time the costers had used their donkeys and ponies shamefully, had overworked and underfed them; but gradually they were made to see how much better it was to treat their animals well.

The dread of the overfed that an underfed member of the community may request a seat at the table he now understood perfectly.

This condition is seen in young persons who have been underfed and overworked.

"Arizona," he said, "you look sort of underfed today.

Underfed mustangs have killed men by this maneuver, repeated without end.

And yetand yetShe looked fleetingly into those pale, dingy, underfed, repulsive faces and wondered if coal-miners' families looked like that.

It is impossible satisfactorily to account for such a fact, on any other supposition, than that these thirty-five females were so overworked, or underfed, or both, as to prevent child-bearing.

It is impossible satisfactorily to account for such a fact, on any other supposition, than that these thirty-five females were so overworked, or underfed, or both, as to prevent child-bearing.

Just an underfed man turning a handle, and an underfed woman hitting an underfed piano.

Just an underfed man turning a handle, and an underfed woman hitting an underfed piano.

Just an underfed man turning a handle, and an underfed woman hitting an underfed piano.

They are underfed, they are denied everything but toilsave love.

They must endure the heart-sickness of seeing a child underfed.

I feel this should not be, and that it is evident that they are underfed.

From the deplorable insight with which he describes the nerveless, underfed, compulsory optimism of these poor in spirit and poor in hope Gissing might almost have been an 'odd woman' himself.

In every great aggregation of workers, the faces of the underfed are a little paler and the pulses of the children beat a little less joyously, and the feet are hastened on that journey to the tomball because of those who come to steal and to kill and to destroy.

They were also underfed at most places, but since they had such a good master they did not want for a thing.

The underfed, undersized boy did not look more than fourteen.

Nothing is more common than the weak and underfed condition of the delinquent and the criminal.

Unquestionably the great mass of the people are underfed.

It is uneconomic for families of small income to save through buying less food than is needed to keep them in health; but it is likewise uneconomic to spend the income, when work is plentiful and wages good, for expensive foods having little nutriment and then, for lack of savings, to go badly underfed when work is slack and wages are small.

Many persons are moved by sympathy to pronounce competition among low-paid and underfed workers to be bad, and each worker is convinced that it is so in his own trade.

Many of the disabilities and wrongs under which the common people were suffering then have been removed, but the poor are still with us, and the cries of millions of overworked, underfed, pale-faced men and women and children have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.

There I was in the hotel with these twenty-three derelicts, all underfed, and all more or less mentally defective through Glasson's ill-treatment.

There is no better guide to camp than one's own thoughtful nose; and though I poked mine everywhere, in no place then or later did it strike that vile betraying taint of underfed, unclean men.

27 examples of  underfed  in sentences