4 Words to use with shrines

Thou need'st not whisper; other great ones must; For few, my friend, few dare like thee be plain, And prayer's low artifice at shrines disdain.

But the still small voice of love Softly breathing from above, Speaks in spirit tones within 'Jesus suffered for my sin;' Till my soulHis hallowed shrine Melts in melody divine.

As to money, what should all the wealth of the shrine profit a man compelled, in Bishop Ken's language, to live each day as it were his last?

She it was too who first handed them the fretted golden key to the enchanted garden of the Pre-Raphaelites, and the striking head of the young Dante in sepia, which had hung in a sort of shrine-recess in Henry's study, had been copied for him from Rossetti's sketch by Myrtilla's own hand.

4 Words to use with  shrines