10 Words to use with toms

The tom-toms calling through the jungle told the different tribes where Mary was.

It was a kind of weasel, but very largelarger than a big tom-cat, and all over as black as the blackest cat.

"It's all tom-foolery.

The chaplain, for so he was called by everybody in and around the Hut, was, at the moment of which we are writing, busy in expounding to his friends certain nice distinctions that existed, or which he fancied to exist, between a tom-cod and a chub, the former of which fish he very erroneously conceived he held in his hand at that moment; the Rev. Mr. Woods being a much better angler than naturalist.

A famous Mohawk Indian warrior, who took Dieskaw the French general prisoner, dressed in the same manner with the native Indians when they go to war, with his face and body painted, with his scalping-knife, tom-axe, and all other implements of war!

The tom-toming ceased in the village.

At 8 a chief came off from the village in a large canoe pulled by about a dozen men, with a tom-tom beating in the bow.

You are no longer the mischief-maker and tom-boy that terrified your family and set the gossips agog in the dear old village.

How-e-ver, as the day grew on, he slack-en-ed his pace, for the un-ac-cus-tom-ed fa-tigue be-gan to tell up-on his frame; so at last he threw him-self up-on the grass, and look-ed up-wards to the blue sky, and watch-ed the flee-cy clouds pur-sue each o-ther a-cross the bound-less ex-panse of the hea-vens.

A very few can drive what they call a stage (Anglicè, drag) with grave and well-educated wheelers, on a very straight roadsuch as do this are looked upon as heroesshoot a hare sitting, also tom-tits and sparrows.

10 Words to use with  toms