1853 collocations for killed

Would you have me kill the man with questions?" He left them to look at the body of the bo's'n's mate.

"It is a sin against God, who said, 'You shall not kill people.' Jesus loves all children.

If there be any evil in novels at all, it is when they take people from their businesswhen they occupy a mother's time to the neglect of her childrenwhen they lead idle boys to neglect their lessons, and when they lead idle gentlefolks to fancy themselves employed, when they are only killing time.

We have been trying to kill too many birds with one stone in our economic way; "to train the powers of observation," "to teach a child to express himself," "to help a child to gain useful knowledge about living things," have been the most usual aims.

We'll toss op a dollar, and the one that wins shall have the honour of having killed the bear, and of telling the story in his own way, and the others shall indorse it.

He succeeded, occasionally, in killing a deer in the forest, and when he did so, he would lead his donkey to the place of slaughter, and bring in the carcase on the long-eared animal's back.

My Indian AcquaintancesAn Indian BarbecueBeginning of the Kansas TroublesAn Indiscreet Speech by my Father, who is Stabbed for his BoldnessPersecutions at the Hands of the MissouriansA Strategic EscapeA Battle at Hickory PointA Plan to Kill Father is Defeated by MyselfHe is Elected to

It is a mad extravagance, for instance, to kill with autos children at play in the streets.

His practice was to kill all the young animals which were not uncommonly large and thrifty; to cram those he kept, with as much food as they would eat, and to tempt their appetites by the variety of their nourishment, as well as of the modes of preparing it.

The two Indians who had fired at me and had killed my horse were retreating across the creek on a beaver dam.

Besides killing quite a number of buffaloes, and having a day of rare sport, we captured ten or twelve head of cattle, they being a portion of the herd which had been stampeded by the Indians, two months before.

This squaw had evidently intended to kill both women to prevent them from telling how cruelly they had been treated.

The serpent had relaxed his folds, stunned by the shock, but had not disentangled himself from the screw, till its blades, no longer checked by the tremendous force of his original grasp, striking him a series of terrific blows, had broken the vertebrae and paralysed if not killed the monstrous enemy.

Or, if he be not, he's old, and past service, we'll kill the Christian Dog out of the way.

On several subsequent occasions he saved my life, and he was the horse that I rode when I killed sixty-nine buffaloes in one day.

"If the chief dies, then according to their heathen way the tribe will kill all his wives and slaves so he will have company on the long trip to the spirit-world.

"Do you suppose a woman killed your brother?" he almost gasped.

This place, Sir, is too opencome with me, For I've desir'd, and now resolve to kill thee.

It became an established law among us, that we should kill no more game or fish than we needed for supplies, whatever their abundance or our temptation might be.

She did refuse, so he killed the second son.

They strangled Mrs. Alderdice's baby, killed Mrs. Weichel's husband, and took a great deal of property and stock from different persons.

" "Too much thinking killed a cat.

He felt rather than heard the question put by the Mentor, and observing Dick's discomfiture, stammered: "It didn't kill your mother when you went for a soldier, I guess.

"And you," she said to him, "you, born so low, how dared you kill the slave of a prince?

When he came to the tree, he killed all the wild beasts, cut down the palm-tree, loaded it upon the shoulders of the people, and the Sultan built a house of coral-wood.

1853 collocations for  killed