119 collocations for lavish

Poor Amelia, deprived of the husband whom she adored, lavished all the pent-up love of her gentle bosom upon the little boy with the eyes of George who was gonea little boy as beautiful as a cherub, and there was never a moment when the child missed any office which love or affection could give him.

But nevertheless she went on lavishing care in the preparation for that night.

He again who lavishes his money, is laughed at as foolish, and in a great degree with justice, considering how much is spent from vanity.

His daughter was to him a precious toy, on which he tried jokes, played tricks, and lavished gifts, for the joy of seeing the prettiness of her reactions to his treatment.

She threw open her palace to the people; lavished her wealth among them in sumptuous entertainments and exhibitions, and caused the vetchooi kolokol ("assembling-bell"), which summoned the popular meetings to the market-place, to be rung as the signal of these orgies of licentiousness.

A servant in livery, who appeared to be a German, had two of the children on his knees, and lavished a thousand little attentions on them.

I raised him with as much tenderness as I could have shown my own son; I lavished on him the affection and" Here Donnegan coughed lightly; the fat man paused, and observing that this hypocrisy did not draw the veil over the bright eyes of his guest, he continued: "In a word, I made him one of my family.

I rode up in the regular conveyance, and soon after my arrival found myself standing on the spacious and elegant piazza of THE CHARNEL HOUSE, a palatial structure erected by the late Mr. CHARNEL, who is said to have lavished an immense fortune upon it.

On the tabernacle of the altar, in gold and malachite, on the screen of the altar, with its pilasters of lapis lazuli and its range of malachite columns fifty feet high, were lavished millions on millions.

He was economical in his personal expenses, although he lavished vast sums upon the people in the way of amusing or bribing them.

But it was extraordinary that Mrs. Lavington had cast off her usual primness, and seemed to-night, for the first time in her life, in an exuberant good humour, which she evinced by snubbing her usual favourite Honoria, and lavishing caresses on Argemone, whose vagaries she usually regarded with a sort of puzzled terror, like a hen who has hatched a duckling.

She lavished on her father all the treasures of affection which her heart contained, and treated him with all manner of solicitude and caresses; and the old soldier before this youthful future which shone before him, himself forgot his dreams of the past.

And how lavish the expenditure!

But these things might have been borne had it not been for the crowning achievement of her malevolence, the invasion of the Appleboys' cherished lawn, upon which they lavished all that anxious tenderness which otherwise they might have devoted to a child.

When the fairy king saw the clown sleeping in the arms of his queen, he advanced within her sight, and reproached her with having lavished her favours upon an ass.

He does not lavish beauty and money upon those he loves the best.

While she lavished favors upon them,sometimes to the disgust of the old nobility,she was never ruled by them, as James was by Buckingham, and Louis XV.

Well, with all of the attractive dogs here willing to lavish their devotion upon us, I think it would hardly be worth while trying to coax Baldy's reluctant tolerance into something warmer.

" "Yet you lavish a hundred dollars on this boy.

Mrs. Raines went to the door herself, not daring to trust the colored girl, who had lavished untold pains on Jack's linen and the manual part of his care.

When she came to the figures4000she intensified her ardour, lavishing enormous unnecessary force: it was like a steamhammer cracking a nut.

To contend with obstinacy had been only to lavish life without use or hope, After the exchange of a very few shots, a capitulation was proposed.

It was in vain that he lavished the riches of his mind on the House of Pride, and the House of Temperance.

Whoever shall examine the common military estimates, will easily be convinced, that the forces which we now maintain upon the continent cannot be supported at less expense; and that we are, therefore, about to exhaust our country in a distant quarrel, and to lavish our blood and treasure with useless profusion.

But the figure on which he had lavished his utmost skill was that of the little Christ Child, which was not to be placed in the manger until Christmas night itself.

119 collocations for  lavish