5 collocations for ruinated

And thus striving for more honour to their wealth, they undo their children, many discontents follow, and oftentimes they ruinate their families.

Alexandria the most ancient citie in Africa situated by the seaside containeth seuen miles in circuite, and is enuironed with two walles one neere to the other with high towers, but the walles within be farre higher than those without, with a great ditch round about the same: yet is not this Citie very strong by reason of the great antiquitie, being almost halfe destroyed and ruinated.

When a boar is thirsty, he drinks what will serve him, and no more; and when his belly is full, ceaseth to eat: but men are immoderate in both, as in lustthey covet carnal copulation at set times; men always, ruinating thereby the health of their bodies.

Time ill-consum'd to ruinate our house; But what are they that keep him company? DRAW.

And though your frames do for a time make warre Gainst Time, yet Time in time shall ruinate Your workes and names, and your last reliques marre.

5 collocations for  ruinated