60 collocations for selfe

For ever I would vow my selfe his friend, Never revolting till my life did end.

the daughter of the Queene of Love, Expressing all thy mothers powrefull art, With which she wonts to temper angry Iove, When all the gods he threats with thundring dart, Sweet is thy vertue, as thy selfe sweet art.

There is no means to prevent all evyls but the injoyinge of my sister Gabriella: therefore force in thy selfe an affectyon.

Ye sacred ruines, and ye tragick sights, Which onely doo the name of Rome retaine, Olde moniments, which of so famous sprights The honour yet in ashes doo maintaine, Triumphant arcks, spyres neighbours to the skie, That you to see doth th'heaven it selfe appall, Alas!

So that next off-spring of the Makers love, Next to himselfe in glorious degree, Degendering* to hate, fell from above Through pride; (for pride and love may ill agree;) 95 And now of sinne to all ensample bee: How then can sinfull flesh it selfe assure, Sith purest angels fell to be impure?

My selfe beginne to forget all my hate.

That after that thou mayst hang thy selfe ithe bellropps.

What fate is mine, that so it selfe bereaves?

before Thou doest fall by me as, if heaven have not Lost all its care of Innocence, thou must doe, Tell me what Divell urgd thee to detract From virtue thus, for of thy selfe thou couldst not (Unlesse with thee shee hath bin vicious) know it

because thy selfe binds upon reason, wilt thou looke for congruity in a woman?

Leaue me Friends: 'Tis now the verie witching time of night, When Churchyards yawne, and Hell it selfe breaths out [Sidenote: brakes] Contagion to this world.

Leaue me Friends: 'Tis now the verie witching time of night, When Churchyards yawne, and Hell it selfe breaths out [Sidenote: brakes] Contagion to this world.

And oft 'tis seene, the wicked prize it selfe Buyes out the Law; but 'tis not so aboue, There is no shuffling, there the Action lyes In his true Nature, and we our selues

I answered, truely it may well be, for I thinke my selfe the worst creature in the worlde, and consider you your selues also, as I doe my selfe, and then vse your discretion.

First, thou art taxed with the losse of him Whom equall with thy selfe thou holdest Deare; Next, Bellamira is become a Leper, Whose absence Philip carefully laments; Then trecherous Burbon joynes himselfe with Fraunce And both the Kings are angerly incenst;

Sir, I am just of your opynion I; For what extreame beast but a foolishe curre Would envye that which he hym selfe dispyses?

And to conclude, Nature, her selfe divine, In all things she hath made is a meere Painter.

In deep discovery of the mynds disease; Is not the hart of all the body chiefe, And rules the members as it selfe doth please?

Scarce this right hand the mouth with diet feedeth; So that it may no painfull worke endure, 275 Ne to strong labour can it selfe enure.

Finally a short time after, men haue so far disordered themselues, and broken the bondes and limits of honesty, that men & women haue daunsed togeather, or as wee would say, in mingle mangle, and namely and specially in feastes and banquets, in so much that we see, that this wicked and ungodlye custome, hath stretched forth it selfe euen unto us, and hath yet, or already the sway at this daye, more then euer it had.

Made you me great in that you made me miserable, Thy selfe more wretched farre?

This is the very extasie of Loue, Whose violent property foredoes it selfe, And leads the will to desperate Vndertakings,

Nor I from any, this shall decide my interest, Though I am lost to all deserving men, To all that men call good, for suffering tamely Insufferable wrongs, and justly slighted By yeelding to a minute of delay In my revenge, and from that made a stranger Unto my fathers house and favour, orewhelm'd With all disgraces, yet I will mount upward, And force my selfe a fortune, though my birth And breeding doe deny it.

Learn'd Mercurie needs not th'aide of Mars, and innocence Is to it selfe a guard, yet since armes ever Protect arts, I may justly weare and use it; For since't was made my prize, I know not how I'me growne in love with't and cannot eate nor study, And much lesse walke without it: but I trifle, Matters of more weight ask my judgement.

My selfe the Hangman and will Butcher thee If thou but prick'st his finger.

60 collocations for  selfe