1134 collocations for serve

Infinitely more ingenuity did the great comic poet of antiquity display, when he selected the Scarabaeus; as the food which had already served the purposes of digestion with the Rider, was still capable of affording nutrition to the animal: [Greek: nun d'att'an autos kataphagoo ta sitia.

A few miles up the creek, the naked bushmen served their savage gods with fantastic rites and the Ju-Ju men and Ghost Leopards ruled the shadowy land.

I myself have been an old Statesman, having served my country for 4 years as Gustise of the Peece, raisin' sed offis to a higher standard than usual, as well as raisin' an interestin' family of eleven healthy children.

This Fellow's of a quick Wit and good Apprehension, though possibly he cannot act the Don so well, yet that which makes up the best part of our young Gallants now a-days, he shall not want; that is, good Clothes, Money, and an Equipage,and a little Instruction will serve turn.

"I'll serve thee in such noble ways, As never man before; I'll deck and crown thy head with bays, And love thee more and more.

This was to serve two masters.

He was educated in EnglandRugby and Woolwichand served several years in the Royal Artillery in the British army.

Livingston hurried off to join Montgomery with four hundred 'patriots' who served their cause fairly well till the invasion was over.

And so it pleased the God who rules the earth and heavens above, To prove his deep compassion and the greatness of his love; And thus my sad captivity, my days of wandering, o'er, Florida, in thy loving arms I nestle as of yore!" THE SPANIARD OF ORAN Right gallant was that gentleman, the warlike knight of Spain, Who served the King in Oran, with sword and lances twain;

He who would serve his times politically must first understand, so far as may be, all times.

Professor Dewey urges that "the industrial history of man is not a materialistic or merely utilitarian affair," but a matter of intelligence, a record of how men learned to think, and also an ethical record, "the account of the conditions which men have patiently wrought out to serve their ends.

But the fault was attributed to the gambling attractions of the fur trade, to the bad governmental system, and to the frequent interruptions of the corvee, a kind of forced labour which was meant to serve the public interest, but which Bigot and other thievish officials always turned to their own private advantage.

He served his apprenticeship as secretary of the Pittsburgh club and he served it well.

" He burst out into that suppressed roar which serves a man instead of tears, and jumped up from his seat, clenching his fist.

To her it looked beautiful, because here she would have the chance to serve the Lord.

But you're not state senator now?" "No; Kleppish beat me for the nomination, after I'd served only one term.

Garnish with sliced lemon and sprigs of parsley and serve cold.

Roll up and serve hot as possible.

As I have already said, for anything I know, one, two, or three hundred millions of years may serve the needs of geologists perfectly well. III.

Most of them join the army, and the Gordon boys are now to be found serving the Queen in every land.

Here we will only say, that for both mistress and servants, as well in large as small households, it will be found, by far, the better plan, to cook and serve the dinner, and to lay the tablecloth and the sideboard, with the same cleanliness, neatness, and scrupulous exactness, whether it be for the mistress herself alone, a small family, or for "company."

Your histories, your books on philosophy, your whole literature, glorify the State; and you have accepted the dangerous doctrine that the individual exists to serve the State, forgetting that the State is not the mystical, divine thing you picture it, but a government carried on by human beings like yourselves, most of them reasonably upright, but some incompetent and others deliberately bad, just like any other human government.

What is it you want, little fathertea?" He turned into the shop and served his customer, duly inscribing the debt among others in a rough, cheap book.

No disturbance to serve a Friend Sir Feeb.

Those looks were designed to inspire love and joy; More ordinary eyes may serve people for weeping.

1134 collocations for  serve