20 examples of actionable in sentences

She made a scornful mouth; and the look with which she coupled Lanyard and Athenais in innuendo was in itself almost actionable.

Mr. Robertson altered this word to jocandi, he having found in Blackstone that to irritate is actionable.

"Actionable, that is.

Squire Clamp retreated to the street, took sight each way to be sure he was off his antagonist's territory, and then vented his cautious resentment in such well-considered phrases as a long course of experience had taught him were not actionable at law, nor ground for discipline in church.

[contrary to law], unlawful, illegitimate; not allowed, prohibited &c 761; illicit, contraband; actionable.

On this was based the actionable character of contracts of buying, hiring, and partnership, and, in general, the whole system of non-formal actionable contracts.

On this was based the actionable character of contracts of buying, hiring, and partnership, and, in general, the whole system of non-formal actionable contracts.

There is nothing whatever actionable in the paper....

The mere fact that the estate had never been handed over by the guardians, of whom she was one and Cardinal Campodonico the third, was probably in itself actionable, had Veronica chosen to protest; and it was an indubitable fact that Gregorio Macomer had taken large sums after the guardianship had legally expired.

It is well that "Goth" and "Vandal" are not actionable.

A somewhat unusual note, however, was struck in an act of 1730 which while penalizing with stripes the speaking by a slave of such words as would be actionable if uttered by a free person provided that in his defence the slave might make the same pleas and offer the same evidence as a freeman.

And perhaps, upon the same principle, the formation of such words as actionable, companionable, exceptionable, marketable, merchantable, pasturable, treasonable, and so forth, may be justified, if care be taken to use them in a sense analogous to that of the real verbals.

That kind of language before witnesses would be actionable; but, upon my word, it would be mere child's play on my part to notice it, especially to a man in your condition.

The Prince was astounded, but he was never a subtle man: here were four knaves who, for reasons unexplainedbut to them of undoubted cogencydesired his death: manifestly there was here an actionable difference of opinion; so he had his sword out and killed the four of them.

When the orthography and pronunciation are adjusted, the etymology or derivation is next to be considered, and the words are to be distinguished according to the different classes, whether simple, as day, light, or compound, as day-light; whether primitive, as, to act, or derivative, as action, actionable; active, activity.

They said the article was actionable, for it had brought those men into contempt.

This kind of anecdote, by the way, which our long-suffering Royal Family has to endure in the Press might very well be made actionable under a new lèse-majesté law.

The court recognized that while, as a general proposition, "competition in trade and business is desirable," it may in certain cases result in "grievous and manifold wrongs to individuals"; and in this case the "malevolent" man of wealth was declared to be "guilty of a wanton wrong and an actionable tort."

And another upon inducing the breaking of contracts, loss of service: "An act done by a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute shall not be actionable on the ground only that it induces some other person to break a contract of employment or that it is an interference with the trade, business, or employment of some other person, or with the right of some other person to dispose of his capital or his labor as he wills.

To discard a portion of your "cow" in front of a rapidly advancing stone is actionable.

20 examples of  actionable  in sentences