4 examples of bende in sentences

She wanted to open her first station at Itu, which was on the mouth of Enyong creek, her second station at Arochuku and a third at Bende.

AN EXCELENTE BALADE OF CHARITIE AS WROTEN BIE THE GODE PRIESTE THOMAS ROWLEY, 1464 In Virgynè the sweltrie sun gan sheene, And hotte upon the mees did caste his raie; The apple rodded from its palie greene, And the mole peare did bende the leafy spraie; The peede chelandri sunge the livelong daie; 'Twas nowe the pride, the manhode, of the yeare, And eke the grounde was dighte in its most defte aumere.

This brest so can not bende to suche a wronge, That she shold dye and I to live alone.

Cop-bull, or Kopul : Barrong, or Bende : Binda : Bur-bing : War'rah : -.

4 examples of  bende  in sentences