25 examples of casca in sentences

Cimber made his way up to him, and insulted him with his importunities, and Casca gave the first stroke.

Casca gave him the first blow.

At the same time they both cried out, the one in Latin, "Villain! Casca!

[-49-] Among those held liable was also Publius Servilius Casca, the tribune.

Quel letto, quella casa, quel pastore Immantinente in tant'odio gli casca, Che senza aspettar luna, o che l'albore Che va dinanzi al nuovo giorno, nasca, Piglia l'arme e il destriero, et esce fuore Per mezo il bosco alla più oscura frasca; E quando poi gli è avviso d'esser solo, Con gridi et urli apre le porte al duolo.

For as Varro will, Anus dum ludit morti delitias facit, 'tis Charon's match between Cascus and Casca, and the devil himself is surely well pleased with it.

voz advirtiéndome que no tomara la senda de la tía Casca, si quería llegar sano

Volví pies atrás, bajé de nuevo hasta donde se encontraba el pastor, y mientras seguíamos juntos por una trocha que se dirigía al pueblo, adonde también iba á pasar la noche mi improvisado guía, no pude menos de preguntarle con alguna insistencia, por qué, aparte de las dificultades que ofrecía el ascenso, era tan peligroso subir á la cumbre por la senda que llamo de la tía Casca.

El sol, según digo, estaba al ponerse, y por detrás de la altura se descubría un jirón del cielo, rojo y encendido como la grana, sobre el que aparecer alta, seca y haraposa, semejante á un esqueleto que se escapa de su fosa, envuelto aún en los jirones del sudario, una vieja horrible, en la que conocí á la tía Casca.

La tía Casca era famosa en todos estos contornos, y me bastó distinguir sus greñas blancuzcas que se enredaban alrededor de su frente como culebras, sus formas extravagantes, su cuerpo encorvado y sus brazos disformes, que se destacaban angulosos

La voz de la tía Casca, aguda y estridente, dominaba el tumulto de todas las otras voces que se reunían para acusarla, dándole en el rostro con sus delitos, y siempre gimiendo, siempre sollozando, seguía poniendo á Dios

Casca, f., (Span.)

Tirati drento, cavalier, per Dio, Disse l'abate, che la manna casca.

When the day arrived for arguing the question, the people assembled in such numbers, that the area of the Capitol could scarcely contain them; and the cause having been gone through, the only hope of safety which presented itself was, that Caius Servilius Casca, a tribune of the people, a connexion and relation of Posthumius, should interpose his protest before the tribes were called to give their votes.

Meanwhile, the farmers of the revenue urged Casca to stop the proceedings for that day.

The people, however, loudly opposed it; and Casca happened to be sitting on the most prominent part of the rostrum, whose mind fear and shame were jointly agitating.

He was again addressed with earnest solicitations by the friends of Octavius, who, to confirm his belief in his good intentions, allowed Casca, who had been one of the slayers of Caesar, and had himself given him the first blow, to enter on his office as tribune of the people on the tenth of December.

"You have allowed Casca to discharge the office of tribune".

He is called "Honest Casca," meaning plain-spoken.

"Good night, then, Casca: this disturbéd sky Is not to walk in."Act

See what a rent the envious Casca paid.

One Gaius Casca, a tribune, seeing that Cinna had perished as a result of his name being similar to the praetor's, and fearing that he too might be killed, because Publius Servilius Casca was one of the tribunes and also one of the assassins, issued a book which showed that they had in common only one and the same name and pointed out their difference of disposition.

One Gaius Casca, a tribune, seeing that Cinna had perished as a result of his name being similar to the praetor's, and fearing that he too might be killed, because Publius Servilius Casca was one of the tribunes and also one of the assassins, issued a book which showed that they had in common only one and the same name and pointed out their difference of disposition.

Envious Casca, by Georgette Heyer, pseud.

Envious Casca, by Georgette Heyer, pseud.

25 examples of  casca  in sentences