28 examples of colloquialisms in sentences

Her frankness was not bold, the little, French-Canadian gestures were obviously borrowed, and some of the colloquialisms she used were out of date.

[Footnote 1: "Ciao" is a colloquialism, much the same as our own "so long," or "good-bye and good luck!"

For one thing, we on this side now borrow, and borrow very freely, the more picturesque colloquialisms of America.

" These elements had, however, to use a colloquialism, an "exceedingly rough time.

Many persons who never write ungrammatically are inaccurate in speech, and the very familiarity and ease of manner which the story-teller must assume may lead her into colloquialisms and careless expressions.

"By thinking, for example, you could elevate your sheet by eliminating certain misapplied colloquialisms.

Other men aim at ease and vigour by discarding Latinisms, and admitting colloquialisms; but vigour and ease are not to be had on recipe.

At the risk of colloquialism, I am tempted to "begin at the beginning" of my own knowledge of Mrs. Eddy, and take, as the point of departure, my first meeting with her and the subsequent development of some degree of familiarity with the work of her life which that meeting inaugurated for me.

"Then observe the glance," continued Roundjacket, "if I may be permitted to use a colloquialism which is coming into usethere is not that brilliant cut of the eye, which you see in us young fellowsit is all gone, sir!" Verty smiled.

[Fr.], way of speaking, colloquialism. phrase &c 566; figure, trope, metaphor, enallage^, catachresis^; metonymy [Gramm.], synecdoche

colloquialism, informal speech, informal language.

The real case we British have against our lawyers, if I may adopt an expressive colloquialism, is not that they are lawyers, but that they are such infernal lawyers.

I deemed that I gave myself away dirt-cheap,excuse again the colloquialism; the transaction seems to require such a phrase,for there is no doubt that Mr. Mellasys was greatly objectionable.

"I'm always glad to hear a man speak right out in meeting," he said, dropping still deeper into the colloquialisms.

he cried out cheerily, and she was surprised, for Varick seldom made use of any slang or colloquialism.

My English was so bad, so thin,stupid colloquialisms out of joint with French idiom.

" Surely this translation of the Professor's misplaced dithyrambics into the homeliest of colloquialisms is both good parody and just criticism.

"As to your question, Mr. Biffin, which I have had no earlier opportunity of answering, I may say that what you were pleased to allude to as my whiskersa colloquialism I do not myself employare entirely impervious to and unaffected by any climatic variations whatsoever.

It was born on the stage, about ten years ago, at one of the minor theatres at Paris, though probably borrowed from a wine-shop, and most likely will have as brief an existence as our own late "flare-up," and such ephemeral colloquialisms, or rather vulgarisms, that tickle the public fancy for a day, till pushed from their stool by another.

Even such archaisms as 'deemen' and 'thinken,' such colloquialisms as the pronominal possessive, need not be too severely criticized.

This is, of course, intentionally cast in a homely style in contrast to the courtliness of the main plot; but Greene, as some of his later works attest, knew the value of strong racy English no less than his friend Nashe, who, in the preface he prefixed to this very work, pushed colloquialism and idiom to the verge of affectation and beyond.

My English was so bad, so thin,stupid colloquialisms out of joint with French idiom.

A COLLOQUIALISM is an expression peculiar to familiar conversation.

Colloquialisms, defined, 10.

While it is true that some colloquialisms and, with less of license, even some slang, may be sparingly employed in light literature, for point, piquancy or any of the purposes of the skilled writer sensible to the necessity and charm of keeping at least one foot on the ground, to others the virtue of restraint may be commended as distinctly superior to the joy of indulgence.

28 examples of  colloquialisms  in sentences