8 examples of deservers in sentences

For as the higher trees do shield the shrubs From posting Phlegon's warmth and breathing fire, So mighty men obscure each other's fame, And make the best deservers fortune's game.

This issue therefore do I make: The best deserver draw the stake.

Chill therefore sure this issue make: The best deserver draw the stake.

But if thou be indeede, as men thee call, 155 The worlds great parent, the most kind preserver Of living wights, the soveraine lord of all, How falles it then that with thy furious fervour Thou doest afflict as well the not-deserver, As him that doeth thy lovely heasts despize, 160 And on thy subiects most doth tyrannize?

He accounts it an idle, vainglorious, and suspected bounty to be full of good words; his rewarding, therefore, of the deserver arrives so timely, that his liberality can never be said to be gouty-handed.

I will not say that this Peace among us is not owing to Self-love, which prompts each to think himself the best Deserver: I think there is something uncommon and worthy of Imitation in this Ladys Character.

I will not say that this Peace among us is not owing to Self-love, which prompts each to think himself the best Deserver: I think there is something uncommon and worthy of Imitation in this Ladys Character.

What hopes of reward may not the living deserver entertain, when even the dead are sought out for, and their very urns and ashes made partakers of your liberality?

8 examples of  deservers  in sentences