5478 examples of exchanging in sentences

He had passed through the village without exchanging more than a surly nod with the inhabitants and gone on toward the House.

Men were exchanging glances.

Clifton and I had the opportunity of exchanging a few words.

Had thy mistress surmised its mystic virtues, she would have thought oftener than twice ere exchanging it for thy diamond.

The two detectives gazed down to where I indicated, and then looked at each other without exchanging a word.

All of us stood exchanging glances in silence, neither looking over her, but each determined to wait in patience until the end.

Exchanging his hat for the German general's helmet and taking the general's horse, Rosseau made his way to the Belgian lines and was placed in a hospital at Ghent.

The signification of roots themselves is modified by a modification of the principal vowel or consonant, i.e., by exchanging the original for one closely related.

XXIII THE CIGARETTE Lanyard found himself exchanging looks of mystification with Collison, and heard his own voice make the flat statement: "But there is nobody...."

" Mr. Irwine, however, was the last man to feel any annoyance at the Methodist preaching, and young Arthur Donnithorne's visit was merely an excuse for exchanging a few words with Hetty Sorrel.

Oliver put on a warm jacket and drove to the hospital where he passed a slow two hours exchanging glances with Suzanne.

The earliest had been spent in the yellow "frame" cottage where she had hung on the fence, kicking her toes against the broken palings and exchanging moist chewing-gum and half-eaten apples with Indiana Frusk.

The next day there was an armistice, from one till six, to collect and bury the dead, and the officers and men of the contending parties moved over the ground which had been the scene of conflict, chatting freely together, exchanging cigars and other little articles.

Now see why his tutor, exchanging pleas for ploughs, has had given to him in the public domain of the Roman people two thousand acres of land in the Leontine district, exempt from all taxes, for making a stupid man still stupider at the public expense.

He made no attempt to renew his suitseldom or never exchanging a word with her, and might have been supposed to have become wholly indifferent to her.

At 15.12 I was in another building, exchanging it for a buff form in duplicate.

Forth from the city, while it yet slumbered, went the two poor adventurers, wandering they knew not whither, often pressing each other's hands, or exchanging a smile, as they pursued their way through the city streets, through the haunts of traffic and great commerce, where business was already rife.

Having slaughtered their victim, the Mezzeni (of whom above forty were counted), quietly marched back towards Nuweibia, without exchanging even a word with us; leaving behind them the corpse of poor Suleimana sad memorial of their malignant vengeance; while several others of their tribe, who had been lying in ambush beyond the scene of terror, came forth from their hiding-places, and joined their retreating comrades.

A neighbour in the garden was exchanging repartee with a gentleman caller.

Lamb's first allusion to the future John Woodvil occurs in a letter to Southey (October 29, 1798), at a time when the two young men were exchanging a good many copies of verses for mutual criticism.

We passed through the Gate of Tears this morningthe dismal, flat, and unprofitable island of Perim being scanned by me from the bathroom port, while exchanging an atmosphere of sticky salt air for an unrefreshing dip in sticky salt water.

This last insinuation is too much for the young favorite, who retorts by calling her a liar and declaring that she has often seen her exchanging nods and winks with her paramour.

He fell in love with her at first sight and exchanging rings with her promised that she should be his wife.

"These Arabic gentlemen, et ál," he remarked, "don't seem agreeably disposed to treat with us on a basis of exchanging the Sheik Abd el Rahman for what we want from them.

"He will wake soon; I think I had best call Tulip," he added, exchanging a glance with his sister; and entered the house calling, "Cato!

5478 examples of  exchanging  in sentences