18 examples of fall-offs in sentences

He lingered in bed in the morning, and remained for three or four days without once going round the works, letting disorder and waste accumulate there, so that his once triumphal stock-takings now year by year showed a falling-off.

This defection parallels the falling-off of membership in the various churches (except again the Roman Catholic) in proportion to the increase in population.

So still, so vivid, so alive, they hang their snake-like heads in long pendulous clusters; and among them all there is not a single one which shows the slightest sign of falling-off or decay.

But in Mr. Southey it was a lamentable falling-off.

The "Fudge Family" is in the same spirit, but with a little falling-off.

She had forged so far ahead as to lie directly on the weather-beam of the stranger, but too near to enable her to fall-off in the least, without imminent danger that the vessels would come foul.

There was an obvious falling-off in the affairs of the colony from the time it became transcendantly free.

Marie de Medicis was, however, slow to discover the falling-off of her long-cherished favourite.

Thus, affecting not to remark the falling-off of affection in his agent, he intermingled his discourse to the ambitious young man with regrets that the monarch had not rewarded his zeal by some appointment in the royal household which would give him a more definite position than that which he then held.

"A falling-off at the end, is always injurious.

Conversation turns on Brown's successful speech, Jones's palpable falling-off, Robinson's chance of office, the explanation of a recent by-election, or the prospects of an impending division.

It is slight; but slightness that accomplishes so much is a sign of progress rather than of falling-off.

He thinks, too, that he notices a decided falling-off in the demand for milk even at this price.

*** There has been a great falling-off in the number of visitors to Stratford-on-Avon, and it is expected that a new and fuller Life of the Bard will shortly be published.

what a falling-off was there from this delicious expectation!

The more I see of what is called the Native Town in Bombay, the more satisfied I am of its great superiority over that of Calcutta; and I gladly make this admission, since I have found, and still continue to find, so great a falling-off in the style of the dress, whether it relates to form, material, or cleanliness.

During all those terrible years the falling-off among the patrons of your world-famous bathing-establishment must have been a source of cruel grief to you.

They increased their output of wool and coalthe latter a compensation for the falling-off of the gold.

18 examples of  fall-offs  in sentences