79 examples of fargo in sentences

I went into the Wells Fargo office down by the railroad, an' the clerk sent me back to find Hardy in the back room, where he generally is.

"He figures that Wells Fargo got a hunch that Silent was layin' for the train that was to carry it.

The most important citizen was Lee Hardy, the Wells Fargo agent.

Moreover, since large shipments of cash were often directed by Wells Fargo to Elkhead, Hardy's position was really more significant than the size of the village suggested.

Wells Fargo hasn't sent me here.

" "Yes?" "For instance, you know all about the Wells Fargo money shipments, and there are men around here who'd pay big for what you could tell them.

We got two jobs ahead of usfirst to get that Wells Fargo shipment, and then to get Whistling Dan.

The letter to grandpa did not reach him until January 27, 1861, but his reply left San Quentin by Wells-Fargo Express on the twenty-eighth of January.

Next came the Wells and Fargo Express, and then the Butterfield Overland Stage Company.

On the trail of the Wells Fargo bandits.

FARGO, LUCILLE F. How shall we educate teachers and librarians for library service in the school?

author: Lucile F. Fargo.

Lucille F. Fargo (A); 2Sep64; R344182.

Wells Fargo Bank, Trust Office (E); 16Feb70; R480264.



Wells Fargo Bank American Trust Co. (E); 24Oct60; R264760. NURICK, IRVING.

Wells Fargo Bank, Trust Office (E); 16Feb70; R480264.


Wells Fargo Bank (E); 8Feb73; R545629. KAPLAN, L. C. Anguish.

R666143. U.S. West: the saga of Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo: advancing the American frontier.

Wells Fargo and Company (PPW of Edward Hungerford) & Random House, Inc. (PWH of Arthur Wang); 5Jul77; R682218. R682219.

It may not be out of place here to say that the rumors regarding an engagement between the pastor's accomplished daughter and the late lamented sheriff are utterly without foundation, as it has been an on dit for some time in all well-informed circles that the indefatigable Mr. Brace, of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, will shortly lead the lady to the hymeneal altar.

"That," replied a Fargo politician, "is the Insurgent cucumber.

79 examples of  fargo  in sentences