98 examples of fibbed in sentences

Many of these fair Amphitrites are so constantly in or on the water that it would hardly be a Fib to call them Amphibious.

Answer me this: Hast thou ever fibbed a chouse quarrons in the Rome pad for the loure in his bung?" I.E., in old beggar's cant, "beaten a man or gallant upon the highway for the money in his purse."

This liar in grain, who never opened her mouth without a lie, must be guarded against a remote inference, which she (pretty casuist!) might possibly draw from a form of wordsliterally false, but essentially deceiving no onethat under some circumstances a fib might not be so exceedingly sinfula fiction, too, not at all in her own way, or one that she could be suspected of adopting, for few servant-wenches care to be denied to visitors.

Now, John fibbed a little, for neither Grace nor he had thought in the least about them, or anything else but each other, from the moment they separated until the gig arrived.

" That was a fib, because when you are as miserable as I was at that minute your heart feels cold and heavy, as though it could hardly go on beating.

But I felt that if ever a fib were excusable, that one was.

"Oh, don't make out you never told a fib.

V. be false &c adj., be a liar &c 548; speak falsely &c adv.; tell a lie &c 546; lie, fib; lie like a trooper; swear false, forswear, perjure oneself, bear false witness.

Untruth N. untruth, falsehood, lie, story, thing that is not, fib, bounce, crammer, taradiddle^, whopper; jhuth^. forgery, fabrication, invention; misstatement, misrepresentation; perversion, falsification, gloss, suggestio falsi

Now that's a fib, take it her own wayif I had, she would not, perhaps, have run away from me.

Queeney has been a good girl, and wrote me a letter; if Burney said she would write, she told you a fib.

To have fibbed a little, or even to have prevaricated whitely, would have spoiled everything.

"Destroy his fib or sophistry: in vain The creature's at his dirty work again!"

" This, as Nelly informed the friend to whom she related the adventure, was a fib,for Mr. Curtis was away, and she had been watching all the morning, in hopes one of the Blounts would pass; but she considered it a justifiable stratagem, as likely to secure his attention.

" "Of course I remember Mr. Kramer," fibbed the matron cordially, all unaware of her daughter's duplicity.

May the saints forgive me that fib!

Hildegarde Dolson (A); 7Nov72; R539809. Let me fib like a lady.

I meant that when you try to fib you always do it so badly that one sees right through you.

As a witty spinster once remarked: "It's no use to fib about your age in your native village.

I felt a little twinge of conscience at the fib, but I had too much at stake to hesitate over a quibble.

Almost the first thing acquired by Raoul in the camp of the enemy was a certain Aurorean audacity; and on the afternoon to which we allude, having told Frowenfeld a rousing fib to the effect that the multitudinous inmates of the maternal Grandissime mansion had insisted on his bringing his esteemed employer to see them, he and his bride had the hardihood to present him on the front veranda.

" By this time Nino had recognised the propriety of temporising; that is to say, of letting the baroness's fib pass for what it was worth, lest the discussion of the subject should further offend Hedwig, whose eyes wandered irresolutely toward him, as though she would say something if he addressed her.

" "I knows I fibs dreadful; but believe me, Miss, I never finds out I have fibbed until they tells me so," was a remark actually made.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS Little Nelly told little Anita what she termed a "little fib.

" ANITA"A fib is the same as a story, and a story is the same as a lie.

98 examples of  fibbed  in sentences