1016 examples of handier in sentences

It would be handier for some things,fighting, for instance.

Butts is a little bunged up, but he's the handier man, even so.

Aspirations of whatever kind, all longings and emotions of the "Excelsior" order, all appeals to "look aloft," come handier when you can "do" them in an aerial car.

Because it is considered handier, of course.

You will have to show people who have their own ideas about tools how much more convenient our goods are; handier, lighter, more adaptable.

Gents, could anything be handier for a trial than this layout?" To the theory of the thing they had been entirely unresponsive, but to the chance to play a game, and a new game, they responded instantly.

And she left the kitchen handier than it had ever been.

"She'd have steered handier if we'd gone in against the ebb; but there's a better chance of coming off if she touches ground.

It was found that a handier dog was produced for the business for which he was required, and it did not take many years to populate the district with these terrier-hounds, which soon came to be recognised as a distinct breed.

A little dessicated cocoanut will do, but the cream is much handier and nicer, as one has the rich cocoanut flavour without the tough fibre.

I may add that it is perfectly easy to superimpose optically two portraits by means of a stereoscope, and that a person who is used to handle instruments will find a common double eyeglass fitted with stereoscopic lenses to be almost as effectual and far handier than the boxes sold in shops.

"] During these visitations there is nothing handier than a comfortable and capacious Cave, but the Home Secretary has his limitations.

Have told Day that I think a bottle weighted so as to give it a small negative buoyancy, and attached to a fine line, should give as good results as his vane and would be much handier.

Per contra he reflected that it was handier to get in people's way and prevent their reaching any prominence than to be willing to lead them to great heights.

Each iambic foot or metre, is marked by a swell of the voice, concluding abruptly in an accent, or interruption, on the last sound of the foot; or, [omit this 'or:' it is improper,] in metres of the trochaic order, in such words as dandy, handy, bottle, favor, labor, it

I used to kid myself I was, but handier guys took it out of me.

When air-raids are about there is nothing he finds handier than a comfortable and capacious CAVE.

Now all five were in, and Anna, pouring out words with every motion, and curiously eyed by Constance, took the flowers to give them a handier form, while Flora rallied her kinswoman on wasting their friends' morning these busy times, and no one inquired, and no one told, who had been here that now had vanished.

It would be handier bringing it away in small divides.

A landau is not at all a suitable or convenient carriage for this sort of work, and had we guessed what was before us we should most certainly have employed the handier tonga.

When they got to England, it would be much handier to take new names.

It would be handier about a good many things than it is now.

You are rather handier with the pen than I am.

And it comes in quite handy for the potatoes.

and I’ll keep it handy.

1016 examples of  handier  in sentences