34 examples of legende in sentences

La legende de les Infantes de Sara.

After mentioning the Latin title, he adds "that is to say in Englyshe the golden legende for lyke as passeth golde in vallwe al other metallys, soo thys legende exedeth all other bokes."

After mentioning the Latin title, he adds "that is to say in Englyshe the golden legende for lyke as passeth golde in vallwe al other metallys, soo thys legende exedeth all other bokes."

The third great poem of the period is the Legende of Goode Wimmen.

The influence of Boccaccio and, sometimes, of Dante is noticeable in the principal poems of the Italian period,the Troilus and Criseyde, Hous of Fame, and Legende of Good Women.

The Legende of Good Women is a series of stories of those who, like Alcestis, are willing to give up everything for love.

As Hugo says, in his preface to La Legende des Siècles: "Comme dans une mosaïque, chaque pierre a sa couleur et sa forme propre; l'ensemble donne une figure.

Victor Hugo, however, did better in La Legende des Siècles.

DAS ROSENGARTLEIN; eine Legende in 3 Aufzügen.

La merveilleuse legende de Siddhartha Cakya-Mouni Bouddha, par Claude Aveline, pseud.

SEE Gumpert, Martin. Die vertauschten Köpfe; ein indische Legende.

La legende doree des dieux et des heros.

La legende doree des dieux et des heros.

Tatjana; eine Legende.

La Legende des siecles.

DAS ROSENGARTLEIN; eine Legende in 3 Aufzügen.

La merveilleuse legende de Siddhartha Cakya-Mouni Bouddha, par Claude Aveline, pseud.

SEE Gumpert, Martin. Die vertauschten Köpfe; ein indische Legende.

La legende doree des dieux et des heros.

La legende doree des dieux et des heros.

Tatjana; eine Legende.

La Legende des siecles.

The following is taken from Caxton's Golden Legende, or translation of the Legenda Aurea of Jacobus de Voragine.

I have transcribed from the following edition, which is thus described in the Colophon: "The legende named in latyn Legenda Aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende, For lyke as golde passeth all other metalles, so this boke excedeth all other bokes".

I have transcribed from the following edition, which is thus described in the Colophon: "The legende named in latyn Legenda Aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende, For lyke as golde passeth all other metalles, so this boke excedeth all other bokes".

34 examples of  legende  in sentences