Do we say linchpin or lynchpin

linchpin 5 occurrences

Parson Charming put a little oil on one linchpin, and slipped it out so softly, the first thing they knew about it was the wheel of that side was down.

When the linchpin comes out on his side, there'll be a jerk, I tell you!

The Seville Boston-folks consider it the linchpin, at least, of this rolling universe.

So we had a great laugh all round, in which the Modelwho, if she had as many virtues as there are spokes to a wheel, all compacted with a personality as round and complete as its tire, yet wanted that one little addition of grace, which seems so small, and is as important as the linchpin in trundling over the rough ways of lifehad not the tact to join.

with verb understood take care, be careful *cuidar de* care, take care *culpa* f. fault, blame *cultivar* cultivate *cumplido* m. compliment *cumplir* fulfill; keep a promise *cura* m. priest *curiosear* watch, pry into others' affairs *curiosidad* f. curiosity *cuyo* whose *charlar* chatter *chasco* m. disappointment; trick *chaveta* f. (sometimes written *chabeta*) linchpin, key; *perder la * fam.

lynchpin 0 occurrences

Do we say   linchpin   or  lynchpin